Initiatives | PIMPAC | Activities

Pacific Islands Marine Protected Areas Community (PIMPAC) Priorities and Activities

During PIMPAC’s inaugural meeting in August 2005, working groups identified the following priorities to improve the effectiveness of Pacific Island marine protected areas (MPAs):

Fishing in an MPA.

Community members practice traditional opelu fishing activity in
Miloli'i, Hawaii.

The work groups also drafted proposals identifying actions PIMPAC could take to address each priority. The workshop report contains a detailed list of the priorities and action items above.

Initially, the Pacific Islands Marine Protected Area Community (PIMPAC) is focusing on improving training for marine protected areas (MPA) management planning. As part of this effort, the network has developed a training module on how to develop an MPA and management plan. The training module is being used to conduct local workshops at several locations throughout the Pacific to assist local non-governmental organizations and community groups develop MPAs.

PIMPAC is also facilitating two to three exchange visits between Pacific Island MPA managers to promote peer to peer learning. In addition, PIMPAC is partnering with the regional academic institution to develop college-level curriculum around MPA management.  This partnership will also support internships for college students within two island jurisdictions to assist with MPA activities.