
ARC Gallery: Women

Famous and Notable IndividualsHighlighted Records and Images
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Madeleine Albright (ARC ID 570500) Marian Anderson (ARC ID 559192) Susan B. Anthony (ARC ID 278298) Barbara Bush (ARC ID 186437) Rosalynn Carter (ARC ID 180949)
Shirley Chisholm (ARC ID 117235) Hillary Rodham Clinton (ARC ID 596514) Amelia Earhart (ARC ID 305240) Mamie Eisenhower (ARC ID 194471) Betty Ford (ARC ID 186768)
ARC Gallery: Rose O'Neal Greenhow Lou Hoover (ARC ID 187112) Lady Bird Johnson (ARC ID 596401) Jackie Kennedy (ARC ID 194018) Coretta Scott King (ARC ID 183007)
Pat Nixon (ARC ID 194459) Sandra Day O'Connor (ARC ID 198517) Rosa Parks (ARC ID 596069) Frances Perkins (Secretary of Labor) (ARC ID 196597) Queen Elizabeth (ARC ID 186433)
Nancy Reagan (ARC ID 198602) Sally Ride (ARC ID 541940) Eleanor Roosevelt (ARC ID 196634) Margaret Chase Smith (ARC ID 541939) Elizabeth Cady Stanton (ARC ID 306686)
Lucy Stone (ARC ID 306684) Harriet Beecher Stowe (ARC ID 535784) Clara D. True (Santa Clara Day School Teacher) (ARC ID 293287) Bess Truman (ARC ID 200639) Laura Ingalls Wilder (ARC ID 595419)

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