Page Title:  Pacific Halibut

Pacific Halibut Management

Pacific halibut is managed by the United States and Canada in a bilateral commission known as the International Pacific Halibut CommissionExternal Non-Government Link (PC). Each year, the PC sets total allowable catch levels for halibut that will be caught in the U.S. and Canadian exclusive economic zones in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. The PC refers to U.S. waters off the states of Washington, Oregon and California collectively as "Area 2A."  Regulations for Area 2A are set by NOAA Fisheries Service's Northwest Regional Office. Halibut in Area 2A is divided between tribal and non-tribal fisheries, between commercial and recreational fisheries, and between recreational fisheries in different states (Washingtonnon-U.S.-gov't link, Oregonnon-U.S.-gov't link and Californianon-U.S.-gov't link). The Pacific Fishery Management CouncilExternal Non-Government Link describes this halibut catch division each year in a catch-sharing plan.


2009 Area 2A Pacific Halibut Management

Jan. 14, 2009: Propose Rule to implement 2009 changes to the Pacific Halibut Fisheries Catch Sharing Plan for Area 2A  (PDF 74KB)

2008 Area 2A Pacific Halibut Management

2008 Catch-Sharing Plan (PDF 81KB)

2008 Pacific Halibut Closed Areas

Mar. 7, 2008: Final Rule on annual management measures and modifications to Pacific halibut catch-sharing plan for Area 2A (PDF 566KB)

Jan. 2, 2008: Proposed Rule to Implement 2008 changes to Catch Sharing Plan and Partial Domestic Regulations for Pacific Halibut in Area 2A (PDF 76KB)

2007 Area 2A Pacific Halibut Management

2007 Catch-Sharing Plan (PDF 48KB)

2007 Pacific Halibut Closed Areas

2006 Area 2A Pacific Halibut Management

2006 Catch-Sharing Plan (PDF 44KB)

Mar. 3, 2006: Final Rule on annual management measures and modifications to Pacific halibut catch-sharing plan for Area 2A (PDF 2MB)

2005 Area 2A Pacific Halibut Management

2005 Catch-Sharing Plan (PDF 140KB)

Oct. 20, 2005: Public Notice on Closure of Halibut Retention in the Primary Sablefish Fishery (PDF 117KB)

Apr. 19, 2005: Final Rule to Implement 2005 changes to Catch Sharing Plan and partial Domestic Regulations for Pacific Halibut in Area 2A, including Inseason Adjustments to recreational Pacific Coast Groundfish Regulations (PDF 87KB)

Feb. 25, 2005: Final rule to Implement PC Annual Management Measures for Pacific Halibut Fisheries (PDF 293KB)

Feb. 7, 2005: Proposed Rule to Implement 2005 Changes to Catch Sharing Plan and Partial Domestic Regulations for Pacific Halibut in Area 2A (PDF 91KB)

Dec. 1, 2004: Environmental Assessment of Proposed 2005 Changes to Catch Sharing Plan for Pacific Halibut in Area 2A (PDF 801KB)

Page last updated: 2009-01-14 07:07:35