10th Annual Southern and Carribbean Regional Meeting Logo

November 5-8, 2007
Lafayette, Louisiana


Welcome to the website of the 10th Annual Southern and Caribbean Coastal Management Regional Meeting.  We have posted all of the meeting materials and presentations on this website for your reference.  Thank you to everyone who made this meeting a success and to everyone who participated!

Note that some of these PowerPoint presentations are large files and may take a while to load! If you have trouble opening them directly, click "Save" and save to your computer and then open up the file in PowerPoint.

CZMA Performance Measures System Training

State Updates (Note: not every state used PowerPoint for their presentation, so this list is not comprehensive)

Public Access

Managing Local Growth

NOAA Updates

Concurrent Regional Breakouts
South-Atlantic & Caribbean Regional Breakout

Gulf of Mexico Regional Breakout

Valuation of Wetlands

Hazards Preparedness in the Context of Recovery

Climate Change

If you have any questions about the meeting, please contact Carleigh Trappe (301) 563-1165


