Library of Congress Office, Nairobi, Kenya

Sample Legal Serials by Country

These are sample titles only. Actual selection depends on availability and may change from year to year.

Botswana Law Reports: Cases determined by the High Court and the Court of Appeal of the Republic of Botswana
Dept. of Printing and Publishing Services, P/Bag 0081, Gaboronne

Dimtsachen: bilingual magazine of Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association
Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association, POB 13760, Addis Ababa
The Lawyer (Nairobi, Kenya)
Oakland Media Services, POB 56919, 00200 Nairobi
Lesotho law journal.
National University of Lesotho, Faculty of Law, PO Roma 180.

The Mauritius reports.
Best Graphics Ltd., 209, St. James Court, St. Dennis, Port Louis
Le Verdict
LIPRODHOR (Organization: Kigali, Rwanda)
Centre de documentation et d'information sur ler proces de genocide (CDIPG)
BP 4046, Kigali

Revue scientifique du droit = Law review = Igazeti isobanura amategeko / Université nationale du Rwanda.
Universite nationale du Rwanda, Faculte de droit, BP 56, Butare

East African lawyer: a newsletter of the East African Law Society
East Africa Law Society (EALS) Secretariat
SLP 3003, Arusha

The High Court bulletin: a digest of judgments & orders of the High Court of Uganda and the Court of Appeal for Uganda.
Law Development Centre (LDC), POB 7117, Kampala

Women's legal news
Bank of Zambia
POB 30080, Lusaka 10101

Zambia law journal
University of Zambia
School of Law
POB 31338, Lusaka

Bulletin of Zimbabwean law.
Index to the legislation in force in Zimbabwe
Legal Resources Foundation (LRF), POB 4700, Harare

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Comments: Nairobi Office ( 06/11/2008 )