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Forms: Row Highlighter
This script will highlight/unhighlight rows in a table utlizing radio buttons.

Background: Style Changer
This little snippet gives users the ability to toggle the text and background colors of your page or certain sections within it.

Image: Gradient Shapes Script
This script gives depth to your images by adding a shaded border effect to any valid HTML tag.

Utilities: Special Character Conversion
Use this handy little script to convert special characters back into normal ones.

New Articles

Symantec's Five Resolutions for Network Security in 2009
By Staff - Published January 14, 2009
The security giant says small business owners will focus on five key areas to better manage IT information and infrastructure. [more from]

Forecast Mostly Sunny for Company Opting for Cloud Computing
By Paul Rubens - Published January 14, 2009
For Animoto, cloud computing is neither vapor nor buzz. It is the backbone of its IT infrastructure. [more from]

LDAP and Kerberos, So Happy Together
By Juliet Kemp - Published January 14, 2009
Tip of the Trade: LDAP organizes information and provides access to it. Kerberos is designed to handle authentication. Separate they are useful; together they offer a powerful and secure solution. [more from]

How To Install and Run Windows 7 Beta
By Dries Janssens - Published January 14, 2009
A step-by-step guide to getting the Windows 7 Beta up and running on a test system. [more from]

Researcher Says Google Carbon Story Is Wrong
By Andy Patrizio - Published January 14, 2009
Harvard researcher publishes work on the carbon footprint of the Web, but his work becomes a political football. [more from]

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