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Verify E-mail Address

Featured: January 12, 2009
Description: Collecting e-mail addresses in a form are important as they are generally the only method of contacting the user. This script will verify an e-mail address is entered correctly by requiring the user to re-enter the address, checking to make sure there is no typographical error. This script can also be used for passwords or other information that must be verified before being submitted.

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ASP.NET Ajax JavaScript Frameworks
In this last installment of the JavaScript frameworks overview series, we'll be highlighting the main features of Microsoft's ASP.NET AJAX Framework, including controls, JavaScript Type extensions, asynchronous communications and debugging capabilities.

Popular JavaScript Framework Libraries: qooxdoo and SproutCore
JavaScript Frameworks give your site a clean and professional look that would take you months to achieve on your own, if at all. Last week we looked at: Dojo, Rialto and the Spry Frameworks. This week we look at qooxdoo and SproutCore.

An Overview of Dojo, Rialto and Spry JavaScript Frameworks
In the last article of this series, we turned our attention to three strong contenders for the title of Framework supremacy: JQuery, the Yahoo! UI Library (YUI) and MochiKit. This week we continue our overview of the twelve most popular JavaScript Frameworks with the Dojo, Rialto and Spry Frameworks.

xref: Automatic Cross Referencing Script
Available in static JavaScript and dynamic (with a Perl back-end) flavors, the WebReference xref script is a traffic-building tool that enables you to automatically insert links into your Web pages whenever a key term is encountered on the page.

Prototype, script.aculo.us and MooTools JavaScript Frameworks
Last time we discussed the Prototype, script.aculo.us and MooTools Frameworks. This week we look at three strong contenders for the title of Framework supremacy: JQuery, the Yahoo! UI Library (YUI) and MochiKit.

Anatomy of an Ajax Application
This week you'll learn about the individual building blocks of Ajax and how they fit together to form the architecture of an Ajax application. Later on, you'll examine these components in more detail, finally assembling them into a working Ajax application.

Popular JavaScript Framework Libraries: An Overview
Javascript Framework libraries have become an integral part of Web development. This series will present an overview of a dozen of the most popular JavaScript Frameworks. This week's article will focus on Prototype, script.aculo.us and MooTools.

How to Use JavaScript to Validate Form Data
This article discusses how to use JavaScript to validate important types of form data, including names, addresses, URLs, email addresses, phone numbers, zip codes, expiration dates and credit card numbers (Visa, Master Card, Discover, and American Express, in both Canadian and US formats).

The Prototype JavaScript Framework
Programmers tend to collect utility functions to perform common tasks. In this article we look at some of the key features of the Prototype JavaScript Framework and demonstrate how it can make your life easier.

The Partial Function Application in JavaScript
The partial function application is an effective method of applying different inputs to a single object or bind one of the arguments to a function as a constant. This article covers how to use closures to perform two types of partial application: Binding and currying.

Primitive Data Types, Arrays, Loops, and Conditions: Part 3
This tutorial takes a look at some of the basics of JavaScript, such as primitive data types, arrays, common operators and flow control statements. This final installment looks at arrays, conditions and loops.

How to Create an Ajax Autocomplete Text Field: Part 11
Along the way, we learned about the Eclipse IDE, the Eclipse Web Project, JSP pages, how to add a Tomcat server to the IDE, JavaScript, AJAX, JSON and CSS. This week we wrap up the series by adding code to process ENTER and TAB keystrokes, and keeping the list open when returning from another page.

Primitive Data Types, Arrays, Loops, and Conditions: Part 2
Any value that you use is of a certain type. In JavaScript, there are the following primitive data types: Number, String, Boolean, Undefined and Null. Any value that doesn't belong to one of the five primitive types listed above is an object.

Primitive Data Types, Arrays, Loops, and Conditions
Before diving into the object-oriented features of JavaScript, one needs to look at some of the basics, including: primitive data types, such as strings and numbers, arrays, common operators, flow control statements, etc.

How to Create an Ajax Autocomplete Text Field: Part 10
In the last article, we examined two visual features that could be used to enhance the appearance of the Autocomplete control. This week we'll be delving into the last major functional piece of our Autocomplete Control: key event handlers.

JavaScript and HTML Tricks
In this article you'll learn about a wide variety of tips: from storing and using hidden data to making HTML forms and lists look great. Each topic contains a brief introduction, then details on how to apply the technique.

Pushing Data to the Browser with Comet
See how adding Comet to AJAX will allow you to push data from the server to a client at an undetermined interval.

Book Review: Head First JavaScript
This book is written for someone who has a good grasp of HTML and CSS, and is looking to extend their capabilities. There are plenty of stimulating tutorials, but most importantly, you'll learn how to create dynamic, eye-popping Web sites.

How to Create an Ajax Autocomplete Text Field - Part 9
This week we continue to add functionality and tweak the appearance of our control by implementing search string matching in the list items and by adding a CSS drop shadow effect.

How to Use a JavaScript Query String Parser
In this article you'll learn how to obtain and use the data from the query string portion of the URL by using a JavaScript query string parser. This script is especially useful for people whose Web sites are served by free hosting providers.

How to Create an Ajax Autocomplete Text Field: Part 8
This week we look at how to add a vertical scrollbar to the list. We're also going to use a parameter to set the list size, so a vertical scrollbar will appear when the number of items exceeds it.

How to Create an Ajax Autocomplete Text Field: Part 7
In this series we've built a fully functional Autocomplete control within Eclipse. For the remaining installments, we'll be updating the Autocomplete control's layout to CSS, decoupling it from the Autocomplete.jsp page, tweaking the appearance of the list, and implementing additional functionality.

How to Create an Ajax Autocomplete Text Field: Part 6
In part 5 of the series, the AutocompleteList JavaScript file, we wrote the client-side script to manage the behavior of the Autocomplete control in the browser. This week we're going to finish the remaining Web files, including the AutocompleteSearch.jsp page.

How to Create an Ajax Autocomplete Text Field - Part 5
In part 4 of the series, we defined the appearance of our autocomplete control using an external cascading style sheet (CSS). This week we'll create a JavaScript file to manage the behavior of the autocomplete control in the browser.

Implementing Ajax Components in the JWL Framework
Learn how to implement all types of JWL Ajax Components into your projects. (JWL is IBM's JavaScript-based Widget Library.)

How to Create an Ajax Autocomplete Text Field - Part 4
In part 3 of the series, we added the brains behind our Autocomplete text field's search functionality. Now it's time to turn our attention to the Web components. This week we'll create the CSS file, since it, along with the JavaScript file, need to be linked to the AutocompleteSearch.jsp page.

How to Create an Ajax Autocomplete Text Field - Part 3
This week we'll be developing the AutocompleteServlet. The servlet acts much like an ASP, Perl or PHP script in that it's executed by the server and accepts parameters from the browser.

How to Create an Ajax Autocomplete Text Field - Part 2
This week we'll construct the The Fund Java class, which will act as a container for all the fund's properties. On the server, we'll store a collection of funds to be searched. Matching ones will be converted to a JSON array and returned to the browser for displaying in our Autocomplete list.

Transparency in Ajax Applications - Part 2
Beyond the general danger of revealing application logic to potential attackers, there are specific mistakes that programmers make when writing client-side code that can open their applications to attack.

Transparency in Ajax Applications
An average user might not be aware that the logic of the Ajax application is more exposed than that of the standard Web page. It's relatively simple for an advanced user (or an attacker) to "look inside" and gain knowledge about the internal workings of the application.

An Introduction to JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
JavaScript Object Notation, or JSON for short, is a lightweight data-interchange format which may prove to be a viable alternative to XML for IT developers. It's easy to read and write by people as well as for machines to parse and generate.

Creating an Ajax-Enabled Calendar Control
This article, by Scott D. Smith, shows how to use the ASP.NET Ajax framework's UpdatePanel to turn the Calendar control into an Ajax-enabled Calendar control.

Universally Related Popup Menus Ajax Edition: Part 3
This week we conclude the series with a line-by-line walk-through of the JavaScript code and describe the server-side classic ASP script code.

Universally Related Popup Menus Ajax Edition - Part 2
Last week we looked at a brief overview of Ajax, relevant JavaScript 1.3 enhancements, how to run the example and using the script within your own Web page. This week we look at additional functionality that you'd like to add to scripts and an in-depth explanation of the JavaScript code.

Universally Related Popup Menus AJAX Edition: Part 1
This week we look at a brief overview of AJAX, some relevant JavaScript 1.3 enhancements, how to run the example and usingthe script within your own Web page.

Using Multiple JavaScript Onload Functions
JavaScripts are usually written to accomplish a given task, such as creating a rotating picture gallery, or to validate a form. For each task, a separate script is necessary. Often, a script is called using an onload function. Using the onload event handler can sometimes be a bit tricky. Check out this easy, fool-proof method for use in your next script.

Getting Started with Silverlight - Part 3: Properties
In this third and final installment, we look at interacting with the Silverlight control programmatically. Topics covered include: the settings property, the content property and other members.

Review: Ajax Starter Kit
The term Ajax is often referred to as a new type of technology, but is actually several technologies that work together. How it does so is the subject of this article.

Copy and Paste JavaScript with an Ajax Engine
It's not necessary to understand the characteristics of Ajax in order to use it. This article provides copy and paste JavaScript with an Ajax engine. No modifications are necessary.

Interactive UIs with Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax: Using the UpdatePanel
This multi-part article by Scott Mitchell looks at using Microsoft's free ASP.NET AJAX framework to build interactive, Web 2.0 user interfaces. In particular, this installment looks at advanced UpdatePanel usage scenarios.

Object-Oriented JavaScript: Part 3: Prototypes
This week wraps up our section on Object-Oriented JavaScript with a look at prototypes, the JavaScript execution context, var x, this.x, and x, inheritance using closures and prototypes and more.

Object-Oriented JavaScript: Part 2
Not only can JavaScript functions contain other functions, but they can also be instantiated. This makes JavaScript functions a good candidate for implementing the concept of a class from traditional object-oriented programming.

Object-Oriented JavaScript
This week we cover OOP Object-Oriented Programming) and how it relates to JavaScript. Topics covered include: what encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism mean, how JavaScript functions work, how to implement inheritance using closures, prototypes and more.

AJax Components - Part 3: Building the Component
In the last part of this series, you'll learn how to build a declarative component for an application with a list of customers which is populated from a server-side data handler using AJax.

Ajax Components - Part 2
This week you'll go through the steps of building an Ajax DataGrid control, which is used to iterate over a list of JavaScript objects. Other topics covered are the behavior component, databinding, templating and the declaration.

A Better Fixed GridView Header for ASP.NET
Learn how object-based JavaScript can be used to clone and fix the position of a grid header, handling runtime changes in the associated grid's appearance.

How to Create Form Posts with Ajax
Now that Ajax is becoming a standard for handling interactions on the Web it's time to use it to update form submissions. In this article you'll learn how to create a reusable Ajax process for all forms. The source code and a working demo is included.

Ajax Components
This week we look at the process of building a user interface. You'll learn how to encapsulate Ajax functionality into both imperative, as well as declarative, components.

Bring Your Forms to Life With JavaScript
In this article you'll learn how to prevent errors in your forms. This method validates the form and provides immediate feedback to the user. If the form has been correctly filled out, the submit button is enabled, if not, the button remains grayed out.

ThinWire Handbook: Layout Management
ThinWire is an LGPL open source framework that allows you to build responsive, expressive and interactive Web applications without the complexities found with other methods.

Simple Game Programming in JavaScript
In the previous article you learned how to create an animation with JavaScript using a timer mechanism, an image of a ball and CSS styles. This time you'll learn how to create a simple ping-pong game. These JavaScript tools will allow you to create games such as Breakout, Tetris, Frogger and more.

Ajax and PHP Part 4 - Forms and JavaScript Limitations
Ajax enables dynamic, constantly changing content on a page--without the user even having to refresh the page. This useful system does, however, have some limitations with current browsers. We will cover these limitations in this article, specifically those pertaining to how HTML forms operate and what type of JavaScript can be used within Ajax-generated content.

Our First Ajax Application
This week you'll learn how to construct a complete and working Ajax application. As with any Ajax application, it will make use of an HTML document, JavaScript routines, a server-side routine (in PHP) and a callback function to deal with the returned data.

Introducing the Google Ajax APIs
Get the scoop on Google's powerful JavaScript Ajax APIs, Ajax Search, and Ajax Feed. Learn how to easily embed rich Internet search and Feed content gathered by Google into your Web pages with just a few lines of JavaScript.

Anatomy of an Ajax Application
This week you'll learn about the individual building blocks of Ajax and how they fit together to form the architecture of an Ajax application. Subsequent lessons will examine these components in more detail and will create a working Ajax application.

Talking Web Clients with JavaScript and the Speech API
See how to make your web clients read or play content to its users. You will experiment with JavaScript from the command line, learn a JavaScript debugging technique that might be useful, and see how to load the Speech API and ask it to read the ALT (text) attribute of HTML controls.

Creating Responsive GUIs with Real-Time Validation
This week you'll learn about real-time validation, when and where to inject this functionality into your own applications and how to validate popular data types such as phone numbers, dates and email addresses.

Ajax and PHP Part 2: XML Communication/Processing
Ajax and PHP 5 both have powerful features for processing and using an XML document. XML is a method of formatting data, often for communication purposes, between different computer systems. In this article, we will show you how to access an XML document with Ajax.

Ajax and PHP Part 2: XML Communication/Processing
Ajax and PHP 5 both have powerful features for processing and using an XML document. XML is a method of formatting data, often for communication purposes, between different computer systems. In this article, we will show you how to access an XML document with Ajax.

Implementing Dynamic Scroll with Ajax, JavaScript, and XML
Implement an Ajax-enabled scrollable table, in which rows are dynamically fetched from the server, as the user scrolls, without the whole page refreshing. This technique is unique and very convenient for implementing pages with a lot of dynamic content in a readable form; for instance, a live news feed.

How to Create a JavaScript Animation
JavaScript animations aren't difficult to write. Once you learn a few main ideas, you can create complex animations to display in your browser. Additionally, the content will be available to search engines because the content is in machine-readable (X)HTML.

Using the DOM class in Ajax with the GWT and Java
Learn how to write the Java code necessary to make effective use of the DOM class in the Google Web Toolkit.

Ajax and PHP - Part 1: Dynamic HTML and Images
So you're interested in Ajax? Ajax is a powerful addition to JavaScript for browser-to-server intercommunication. We will demonstrate a simple script that sends a GET or POST request to a form handling script on a server, then the script will return a response to the browser XMLHttpRequest JavaScript object.

JavaScript vs. Flash for Animation
When you think of interactive multimedia on the Web, you probably think of Flash. But Flash creates accessiblity problems, especially for those with disabilities. A solution is to use JavaScript, which avoids many of the issues inherent in Flash.

A Field Guide to Java Direct Web Remoting (DWR)
Looking for a powerful concept that works with any existing Java Web application and makes the process of Web remoting easier? Discover a unique way of Ajax-enabling existing Java server-side code by exposing it in JavaScript.

Resolving Conflicts with JavaScript Form Validation
Since we published our tip on eliminating duplicate form submissions, I've received a number of e-mails indicating that some users are running into problems where the tip's use of the submit button's OnClick event handler is conflicting with the form's existing client-side form validation.

Accessible JavaScripting From the Ground Up
As great as it is, JavaScript is probably one of the most commonly abused and overused technologies. In this article, I hope to help you implement JavaScript without tears and guide you in the basics of good scripting practices.

Ideas for Webbot Projects
This week you'll learn about what you can do with webbots and how they capitalize on browser limitations. You'll learn about creative ideas, exploiting webbots and how to use them to your advantage.

What Can the Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) Library Do for Your Site?
Take a look at the Yahoo User Interface (YUI) library. If you are looking for a solid Ajax framework to help with rich user interface development or just want to code some Ajax, the YUI can be a great start.

Review: The Book of JavaScript, 2nd Edition
For many people, learning JavaScript can be a bit stressful. Through writing The JavaScript Diaries, I've read and reviewed many books. Some are good and others are a "bit tedious." A few are excellent. The Book of JavaScript falls in the latter category.

JavaScript Language Essentials
This week you'll learn about the basic elements of JavaScript such as loops, arrays and functions. You'll see how you can use JavaScript to write your Web pages for you, how JavaScript handles user errors and much more.

Doodle: Part 4 - More Power to the User
In previous issues, I kept the user experience somewhat spartan which allowed the application to be modified with a minimum of effort. This time we add points, ellipses, bezier curves and look at a new application class called Control, which allows users to tell the Doodle application what shape they want to draw next.

RJS Templates: Adding Some Ajax Goodness to Rails
Discover how to use the RJS Template feature of Rails to add Ajax functionality to your Rails application. Ajax and Rails together are a powerful combination, and can not only enhance the user experience of your Rails application, but also increase performance because fewer page reloads are necessary to perform tasks.

Focus and Click Events, and Drag-and Drop in Ajax Using the GWT and Java
Learn how to write the Java code necessary to perform drag-and-drop operations in Ajax using the GWT and Java. Also learn a little more about the use of the FocusListener and ClickListener interfaces.

How to Create Remote Ajax Requests
One of the most common questions about Ajax is whether it's possible to create remote or cross-domain Ajax requests. The answer is yes and this week you'll learn how to create an Ajax-enabled podcast aggregator with PHP and Ajax.

GuiseT: A New Look for the New Internet Application
Get a quick top-to-bottom overviewincluding functioning Internet applicationsof Guise, a new comprehensive, object-oriented Internet application framework with transparent Ajax support.

Introducing Ajax
Ajax is the acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. This week you'll learn about the practice of updating web pages with information from the server, done so that the entire Web page doesn't need to be reloaded when users request a change.

Consuming Membership and Profile Services via ASP.NET Ajax
You can consume ASP.NET 2.0 application servicessuch as Membership, Roles, and Profilesfrom client-side JavaScript code with ASP.NET Ajax.

Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax v1.0
If you've been wanting to leverage the power of Ajax in your ASP.NET Web applications, but aren't a client-side JavaScript and XML guru, the moment you've been waiting for is finally here. Microsoft just recently released version 1.0 of the "Atlas" project, calling it simply ASP.NET Ajax.

Don't Let Memory Leaks Reduce Your Ajax Application Efficiency
The whole reason web developers are turning to Ajax is to increase the efficiency of their applications. Don't let these common mistakes rob your applications of the efficiency Ajax gives you.

Using Variables and Built-in Functions to Update Your Web Pages Automatically
With JavaScript you can update the content on your pages automatically - every day, every hour, or every second. Here, you'll learn about a simple script that automatically changes the date on your web page.

Developing a Ajax-driven Shopping Cart with PHP and Prototype
Create an Ajax-enabled shopping cart in very few lines of code, thanks to the power of PHP and the Prototype JavaScript library.

Widget Initialization Using JSON, HTML Custom Tags and XML files
DHTML components or widgets exist all over the Internet as calendars, toolbars, menus, etc. This week you'll learn about configuring DHTML widgets, the pros and cons and programming techniques to avoid errors and speed up development time.

Make Your Site Script.aculo.us
Discover Script.aculo.us, a client-side framework that gives developers a new way to code in JavaScript by providing new shortcut functions, new powerful objects including Form, Effect, Control and Ajax, and some custom widgets.

Controlling Layout in Ajax Web Applications Using the GWT and Java
Learn how to control the layout of a GWT Ajax web application using HTML layout capabilities, the capabilities of the layout classes in the GWT API, and a combination of the two. Also learn more essential aspects of the creation and deployment of GWT Ajax web applications.

Switchy McLayout
This script and CSS combination allows you to define the dimensions, information richness, and appearance of your content objects for set ranges of screen sizes.

Forms Validation with Symfony and Prototype
Looking for a new framework solution? Try symfony. Specifically, learn how symfony's built-in support for the Prototype JavaScript framework can greatly enhance the user experience within your applications.

Creating Ajax Web Applications Using the Google Web Toolkit and Java
Learn the steps involved in getting your computer properly set up, creating, testing, and deploying GWT Ajax web applications. Create and test two simple GWT Ajax web applications in the process.

Ajax Edit in Place Using Prototype
In this article I will show you how to use the popular prototype JavaScript include file along with an Ajax technique called Edit in Place. Edit in Place uses the XmlHttpRequest Object to call an external page to send and receive information.

Doodle, A Demo Drawing Program: Part 3
In this installment, a solid programming style has been imposed, a JavaScript class model developed for Preezo which supports single inheritance and simple, tightly bound class definition code. This is important when working with large applications.

The Twelve Days of Ajax
Ajax has been jingling all over the place over the last year or so. Vlad takes a look at twelve Ajax frameworks that might be worth more than a day of your time.

Database-enabled Ajax with PHP
Ajax has taken the Web to a new level by offering an intuitive interactive model that rivals the desktop. To compete with desktop applications, you'll learn how to create database-enabled Ajax requests using PHP and MySQL.

PPK on JavaScript: The DOM - Text Nodes, Node Lists and Forms
This week we look at text nodes, node lists, forms and the level 0 DOM, DOM hyperspace and markers. The W3C DOM defines a few methods for getting and changing texts, but the core string methods and properties are more useful and versatile. By Peter-Paul Koch.

PPK on JavaScript: The DOM - Elements, innerHTML, and Attributes
The W3C DOM allows you to create your own elements and text nodes, and add them to the document tree. This week we look at creating and cloning elements, innerHTML, and attributes.

PPK on JavaScript: The DOM - Part 1
In 1998, the W3C published its Level 1 DOM specification, which all browser vendors implemented. This week we're going to spend most of our time working with the Level 1 DOM, but we'll also take a look at the old Level 0 DOM, especially at its useful form-field properties.

RSS and Atom in Action: Newsfeed Formats - Atom
In 2003, a group of bloggers came together to create a new standard, which would later be known as Atom. They wanted to start fresh and do things right this time. As a result, all the major blog servers either support Atom now or have plans to do so. To learn more, read on.

Understanding Ajax: Part 2 - Iframes, Cookies, and More
This week we continue with our exploration of Ajax. Topics covered are sending a request using an IFrame, creating a hidden IFrame, creating a form, sending a request using a cookie and more.

The JavaScript Diaries: Part 15 - The Date Object
With JavaScript you can display and manipulate the date and time. You can calculate the days between dates, show new items on your Web site, etc. In this installment we'll take a look at the JavaScript Date() object and learn how to utilize it in our scripts.

Prevent Users from Submitting a Form Twice
This article, by Scott Mitchell, looks at two JavaScript techniques that can be employed to prevent users from submitting a form multiple times.

Understanding Ajax: Getting Started
What makes Ajax possible is the communication layer with the server. The most complete option is the JavaScript XMLHttpRequest object. If XMLHttpRequest is not suitable, hidden IFrames and cookies can also be used. Both will be examined here.

JavaScript and XML: Part 3 - XML and Web Services, ECMAScript for XML
This week we conclude our three part series. Topics include XML and Web Services and E4X: ECMAScript for XML. Note that while E4X includes language syntax and APIs for working with XML namespaces, the examples don't illustrate this syntax (for simplicity).

Fiddler Can Make Debugging Easy
Many issues remain undiscovered in Web sites because browsers are designed to allow things to continue to work even when they're not quite right. Discover how Fiddle can be used to expose common problems that may be in your sites.

JavaScript and XML
This week you'll learn how to use JavaScript to work with XML data. Topics convered are obtaining XML documents, loading a document from the network, parsing XML text, XML documents from data islands and manipulating XML with the DOM API.

How to Create a Color Picker in JavaScript
This week you're going to learn how to create a Color Picker similar to the one used in Photoshop, but entirely in JavaScript.

JavaScript Basics: Part 13 - Browser Compatibility
Browser compatibility is one of the biggest issues facing Web developers, and has been since the original browser wars. This article is going to highlight browser compatibility issues and tell you how to avoid or simply deal with them.

JavaScript Basics: Part 12 - The Concept of Recursion
'To understand recursion you must first understand recursion'. That's my favorite quote related to programming because it so beautifully captures what recursion is. This article takes you further into the concept of recursion and shows you how it's used in JavaScript.

Developing Web Applications with Ajax: Part 4 - Using Forms
This week you'll learn how to submit information through forms without reloading the page. We'll begin with the form's HTML, and then we'll move onto adding the JavaScript for submitting a form with Ajax.

Scripting in the Browser: Part 2 - Using MSXML
This week we examine extra functionality in MSXML which provides additional properties and methods that can be used with the DOM interfaces discussed previously. You'll see examples and learn how to create similar functionality in Mozilla.

Scripting in the Browser: Part 1
This week you'll learn how to use JavaScript to manipulate XML documents. Some of the topics covered are the key DOM interfaces and the differences between Internet Explorer (IE) and Mozilla.

Review: Ajax in 10 Minutes
For Web developers who want to add more interactivity to their Web sites, this book is packed with information. It's well written, but if you're a novice additional programming background is recommended.

The JavaScript Diaries: Part 14 - The Math Object
This installment looks at the Math object, a JavaScript object used to perform mathematical operations such as obtaining the values of predefined mathematical constants. It can also be used to generate random numbers.

Ajax with the ZK Framework
Discover how to utilize the ZK Ajax framework to develop web based Java applications with the look and functionality of desktop applications.

JavaScript Basics: Part 11 - Error Handling
You've written a JavaScript application and it's working fine--until you get an error message. It's something unsightly that pops up on your screen, something like 'myObject.fields is null or not an object'. This article is going to show you how to account for errors and show you several different methods for general error handling.

Javascript Basics: Part 10 - The Ajax Technology
You've probably heard the term 'Ajax' thrown around recently. Over the past year or so, Ajax-style JavaScript has become increasingly popular among many developers. In this 10th article in our JavaScript Basics series, we will introduce you to Ajax and show you how you can use this technology.

How to Use the HTTP Protocol
Various protocols are used for communication over the Web, perhaps the most important being HTTP, which is also fundamental to Ajax applications. This week you'll learn about the HTTP protocol and how it's used to request and receive information.

Javascript Basics: Part 9 - Inheritance
Our last article in this series covered the basics of object-oriented programming in JavaScript. This article is going to continue on that path, teaching you methods of inheritance as well as the usefulness (and dangers) of closures.

Delicious Recipes for Your Web Site
This cookbook offers a wide range of solutions to real-life problems that come up regularly when creating and growing a Web site. If you've been wanting to learn how to build Web sites that people will visit, bookmark and revisit, read this review.

Book Review: Head Rush Ajax
Following on the heels of Monday's excerpt is a review of "Head Rush Ajax." The reviewer said, "I would rate this book as excellent, although it may take you a little while to get used to it."

Excerpt: 'Teach Yourself Ajax in 10 Minutes'
One of my contacts from Sams recently sent me an email telling me about their latest offering: 'Teach Yourself Ajax in 10 Minutes'. The sample chapter, Chapter 11: Our First AJAX Application, walks you through building your first simple Ajax application.

Web Design with Ajax
If you're tired of clunky Web Interfaces, check out Ajax. Ajax - asynchronous JavaScript and XML is the key to building rich Internet applications that are more interactive, responsive and easy to use. Here, you'll learn about the newest thing to hit the Web.

Object Oriented Javascript: Part 2 - Strings, Dates, and Arrays
In the previous article you learned how JavaScript classes could be written to inherit the methods and properties of another class. In this article you'll learn about some extensions that will allow developers to extend intrinsic JavaScript classes such as String, Date and Array.

Using XML: A PHP Developer's Primer: Part 4 - XML-RPC, PHP and JavaScript
This is the second half of an article that began last week on XML-RPC and PHP. This week we put together the PHP RPC server and learn more about the emailValidator_validate function!

Design Patterns in JavaScript: Part 1
Design patterns are programming solutions to a specific problem that has been documented so that the developer doesn't need to solve the same problem again. This week, we begin a series of articles that will explore implementing several popular design patterns in JavaScript.

JavaScript Basics: Part 8 - Object Oriented Design
Almost every modern programming language has some method of writing Object Oriented (OO) code. If you are familiar with C, Java, VB, php or any similiar language, you are probably familiar with the Class structure of those languages. In this article, we'll take a look at Object Oriented Design and how it relates to the JavaScript programming language.

Using XML, A PHP Developer's Primer, Part 4: XML-RPC, PHP and JavaScript
In this article we will demonstrate how PHP can be used to call upon Web services provided by third part sites via an XML-RPC server. We will also show you how to create your own XML-RPC and use client-side JavaScript to invoke procedures in your PHP scripts.

How to Drag and Drop Using JavaScript
JavaScript excels at Modifying the DOM of a Web page, but we usually only do simple things with it, such as creating image rollovers, making tabs, etc. This week you're going to learn how to create items on your page that you can drag and drop.

JavaScript Basics: Part 7 - Document and Window Objects
In previous articles you have seen the document object in use. We have used document.forms, document.getElementById, document.createElement and several other functions that are built into the document object. In this article we will thoroughly examine the document object and the window object, both of which offer many useful functions.

JavaScript Primer Number 6: The DOM
This is the sixth in a series that will introduce you to the JavaScript language. In this article we will be talking about the Document Object Model, otherwise known as the DOM.

The JavaScript Diaries: Part 13 - Array Properties and Methods
Now that we know about the different types of arrays, we'll learn how to manipulate them in order to make them more functional. This week we'll look at the properties and methods that are commonly used for most coding situations.

Using XML: A PHP Developer's Primer - Delving into Ajax
In our last article, we introduced Ajax by developing a simple email validation application. In this article we are going to delve deeper into Ajax and explore how XSL can be used on both the client side (using Javascript) and on the server side (using PHP) to transform XML data into XHTML.

JavaScript Primer Number 5: Strings, Numbers and Arrays
Up until now we have been focusing on the language constructs of JavaScript: if statements, loops, functions, etc. In this primer we are going to take a step back and cover the inner workings of some of the native JavaScript objects: Strings, Numbers and Arrays.

Ajax from Scratch: Implementing Mutual Exclusion in JavaScript
Learn how to keep your XMLHttpRequests from colliding with your rich Internet applications.

Using Ajax to Enable Client-Server Communications on Older Browsers
In the last installment you learned about dynamic script loading. In Part 2, you'll learn how to use images and cookies to enable client-server communication on older browsers that don't support the DOM.

JavaScript Primer Number 4: Functions and Objects
In the last article, we covered the basics on how to work with form fields and delved into functions a bit more. In this article we will fully explain functions and introduce the concepts of objects in JavaScript.

DOM Scripting: Unobtrusive JavaScript at Its Best
In the world of JavaScript programming, the language is especially powerful when interacting with Web pages using the Document Object Model (DOM). If you've ever wanted to learn the basics of DOM scripting, have a look at this review.

JavaScript Primer Number 3
In the last article we covered if-else statements, some basic validation and functions. This time we'll discuss how to use JavaScript to validate a form on your page, and we'll learn about form fields and loops in the process!

Placing JavaScripts in External Files
It seems that every few days, someone wants to know how to place their JavaScripts in an external file. In this article we'll take a look at the reasons for placing scripts in an external file and how to go about doing it.

How to Auto Include a JavaScript File
Many developers have a large library of JavaScript code at their fingertips that they developed, their collegues developed, or that they've pieced together. If you've ever wanted to easily find any JavaScript file this article will show you how.

JavaScript Primer Number 2
In the last article, we wrote a simple script that involved variables, alerts, prompts, string concatenation and some basic arithmatic operators. In this week's installment, we learn all about the 'if' and 'else' statements.

JavaScript Primer Number 1
This new JavaScript Primer is the first in a series of articles by our new author Mark Kahn. This article explains what JavaScript is, and shows you how to create your first script!

Object Oriented Javascript: Part 1 - Class Inheritance
To many object orientation purists, a programming language doesn't cut the mustard unless it supports some form of class inheritance, where one class can 'inherit' the behaviour of another class. This week, you'll learn how JavaScript can support class inheritance for user defined classes.

Creating Online Application Power Users Using Graduated Usability
Being simple isn't always best. With Rich Internet Application technologies including AJAX and Flash, Web applications can now begin to adapt to different levels of users.

Alternate Ajax Techniques: Part 1
By now, nearly everyone who works in web development has heard of the term Ajax. Most articles on Ajax have focused on using XMLHttp as the means to achieving such communication, but there are other methods which we'll explore in this series of articles.

The JavaScript Diaries: Part 12 - Multiple Array Types
This installment takes a look at multidimensional and associative arrays. As you learn to use these you will begin to understand how they can be incorporated into your Web sites

Creating a Double-Combo Linked List with Ajax
By creating a double-combo linked list using Ajax you can link the selection lists together directly from the databasewithout the user having to refresh the whole page. And now you won't have to hard-code JavaScript arrays or server-side postbacks.

Will AJAX Replace the Desktop?
Is AJAX the beginning of the end for desktop applications? How will AJAX evolve Web-based applications and what will the future bring for rich UI Web-based applications? Is AJAX really threatening desktop applications?

JavaScript Standard Template Library: Part 4 - The stdext Namespace
In previous articles you learned about a programming library based on the C++ Standard Template Library. This week we look at four new collections from the stdext namespace and you'll see how easy it is to interchange the collections within a simple JavaScript unit test.

Top Ten Reasons AJAX is Here to Stay
This topic may not make the Letterman show but it is on the mind of many developers these days.

The JavaScript Diaries: Part 11
In this installment we take a look at JavaScript arrays, which can be very useful in creating different types of scripts. This study will span several installments due to their complexity.

Zero Day Exploit Hits IE
Malicious code targets a flaw in the browser's JavaScript handling.

Developing Web Applications with Ajax: Part 3
This week we'll learn how to use Ajax in conjunction with server-side processing and how these technologies can produce powerful Web applications. For this article I use PHP, but Ajax is compatible with any server-side language.

Ajax in Action. Chapter 6: The User Experience
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, known as "Ajax," is new way of thinking that can result in a flowing and intuitive interaction with the user. Ajax in Action explains how to distribute the application between the client and the server while retaining the integrity of the system. By Manning Publications.

Measuring the Benefits of Ajax
Ajax, popularized by Google (Gmail and Google Maps), Yahoo (Flickr), and Amazon (A9 Search) give Web apps a desktop experience. However, businesses want to understand what the applicability is to the bottom line. A comparison between a traditional Web application and an Ajax one shows that dramatic quantifiable cost savings can be measured when looking at specific application metrics.

How to Develop Web Applications with Ajax: Part 2
In part one of this series, we discussed how to retrieve remote data from an XML file via JavaScript. This week, we'll process that data in a more complex manner. As an example, we'll take groups of XML data, separate individual segments and display those segments in different ways, depending on how they're identified.

Implementing Remote Calling Without Using AJAX
Right now the latest buzzword around town is AJAX. AJAX is an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML and is a method used to implement remote calling. The problem is that AJAX is only implemented in ASP.NET 2.0. This article will show you one way to implement remote calling without using AJAX or the XMLHttpRequest object. The technique outlined can even be used from classic ASP and is sufficient for most remote calling needs.

The JavaScript Standard Template Library: Part 3
In the first two articles of this series I introduced three collections of the JavaScript Template Library, including list, vector and deque. This week, I explore the magic of iterators and introduce a new class of sorted collection that includes set, map, multiset and multimap.

The JavaScript Diaries: Part 9
In this installment, we'll wrap up our study of the window object by learning how to use the most common of the window event handlers. We'll also take a look at some links for additional help.

The JavaScript STL (Standard Template Library): Part 2
This week, we conclude our two-part series with information on the list collection, the vector collection and the deque collection. The article wraps up with a demo and an opportunity to download the code.

The JavaScript STL (Standard Template Library): Part 1
One of the obstacles that programmers encounter is that each language has its own "culture" and ways of getting things done. In the C++ programming language a solution has been developed, known as the Standard Template Library or STL for short. Here's a JavaScript implementation of the STL.

The JavaScript Diaries: Part 8
In this installment we look at the methods that are associated with the window object and how they work. Until now, we've been learning how to build the framework of our scripts but now we'll start to see things happen! Using these methods you'll learn how to begin to implement JavaScript in your Web sites.

AJAX: Asynchronous Java + XML?
Discover the world of AJAX, the generic application model that can enable more interactive, more responsive, and smarter Web applications.

The Return of AJAX?
Some relatively new Google applications have prompted renewed interest in a programming technique that is years old.

Mozilla's New Array Methods
When the next version of Firefox is released later this year, it will be sporting several updates to its JavaScript engine. Part of this JavaScript upgrade directly affects the Array object, which gains several new methods.

How to Develop Web Applications with Ajax: Part 1
In the past, Web applications were limited because a Web page had to be reloaded (or another page loaded in its place) in order for new data to be obtained. Recently, a new method, known as "Ajax" (Asynchronous Javascript and XML applications) asynchronously retrieves XML data via JavaScript. Ajax will allow you to take your Web applications to the next level.

The JavaScript Diaries: Part 7
In our last installment we looked at how to create custom-made objects using the Object() constructor. This week, we continue that study by taking a look at browser-based objects.

The JavaScript Diaries: Part 6
This week we go a little deeper into our study, a process that will last for several weeks. Some of the topics covered are JavaScript objects, object properties and methods, the constructor function, and more.

Professional JavaScript for Web Developers: JavaScript in the Browser - Part 2
This week, we continue our exploration. A sampling of topics covered here are navigating and opening new windows, system dialogs, intervals and timeouts, the document object, the location object and more. By WROX Press.

Book Excerpt: Professional JavaScript for Web Developers - Part 1
Web browsers have come a long way over the years and can now handle a variety of file formats, not just conventional HTML. Here, you'll learn how JavaScript fits into HTML, other languages, and some basic concepts of the Browser Object Model (BOM).

Create Universally Related Popup Menus: Single Form Version 3
In this article, the author modifies Andy King's original version of the Universally Related Popup Menus (URPMs). His intention was to make it more suitable for submitting data to a server and to simplify the JavaScript "O" objects used to store all the related list data. Read on to see how he did it.

The JavaScript Diaries: Part 5
This week, as we continue our quest to learn the JavaScript language, we'll look at conditional statements and loops. These can help us to add more depth and complexity to our scripts. By Lee Underwood.

Using JavaScript Components in Java Studio Creator
Discover how you can draw on the wealth of ready-made JavaScript Components and Libraries within Java Studio Creator to create a richer and more complete user interface experience.

Implementing AJAX Using ASP.NET 1.1
AJAX is an acronym that stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX's strong point is that it allows data on a page to be dynamically updated without the browser having to reload the page. This article offers a brief introduction and description of AJAX and then provides some sample code illustrating its usage.

Creating an Autosuggest Textbox with JavaScript: Part 3
In this installment week you'll learn how to complete the modifications, make your suggestions case insensitive and get the suggestions back from the server instead of using client-side information. By Nicholas C. Zakas.

The JavaScript Diaries: Part 4
In this section of the JavaScript Diaries, we'll look at JavaScript functions. These help us to write more intricate programs. A sampling of topics includes writing functions, naming rules, calling a function, global and local variables and more.

The JavaScript Diaries: Part 3
This week we take a look at JavaScript operators, which are used to accomplish many different tasks. Some of the topics covered are mathematical operators, comparison operators, assignment operators, logical (boolean) operators and much more. By Lee Underwood

Core JavaScript Reference: Version 1.5
This downloadable book (in HTML format) is a reference manual for the core JavaScript language, version 1.5. Written by the developers at Netscape Communications. An excellent resource.

The JavaScript Diaries: Part 2
In the first installment, we looked at some general information and guidelines to help prepare us for our study of JavaScript. This week, we delve into parts of the language and we'll also write our first script.

Core JavaScript Guide: Version 1.5
This downloadable book (in HTML format) explains everything you need to know about using core JavaScript. Written by the developers at Netscape Communications, it is an excellent resource.

The JavaScript Diaries: Part 1
JavaScript is a versatile language which can be used to create menus, validate forms, provide interactive calendars, post the current day's headlines, track a visitor's history on your site and much more. This week is part one of an ongoing series on the process of learning JavaScript.

Creating an Autosuggest Textbox with JavaScript: Part 2
In the first part of this series, you learned how to create type ahead functionality in a textbox, which presents the user with a single suggestion for what they've already typed. This article builds upon that functionality by adding a dropdown list of multiple suggestions. By Nicholas C. Zakas.

How to Populate Fields from New Windows Using JavaScript
Occasionally, filling out Web page forms can be daunting. Fortunately, some forms display a question mark next to the form field, which opens a popup window containing additional information. This week, you'll learn how to enhance the functionality of those windows. By Jonathan Fenocchi.

Creating an Autosuggest Textbox with JavaScript: Part 1
One of Google's new applications is Google Suggest. As you type, Google suggests search terms that come up with results. While not a new implementation, it's quickly becoming popular among developers. This week, you'll learn how to build an autosuggest control one step at a time. By Nicholas C. Zakas.

JavaScript and Accessibility: Part 3
Today, you'll learn about fixes and creative options for Drop-down Navigation Selections and DHTML Menus. Other topics covered are proprietary alternatives, document.all and innerHTML. By Jonathan Fenocchi.

JavaScript and Accessibility: Part 2
Last week we began this series with a discussion about new practical and standards-compliant use of JavaScript. We also covered some classical techniques and how to fix them. We continue that process this week, where we look at form validation and rollovers.

How to Create a WYSIWYG Rich Text Editor in JavaScript: Part 2
Today, you'll learn about different methods for handling keyboard input and the RichEdit control. Keyboard input is handled by two functions; onKeyPress() and onKeyDown(). The the RichEdit constructor creates the necessary HTML elements to display the control. By Guyon Roche.

How to Create a WYSIWYG Rich Text Editor in JavaScript: Part 1
On forums, there are many features that allow users to compose richly formatted text with animated emoticons, etc., but you can't see what the finished work will look like until it's posted or unless a preview is generated. Here, author Guyon Roche uses Javascript to show you how your text will look as you write it.

Easy Table Reading in JavaScript
Readability is a key factor on any web site as it enhances the user experience. This article focuses on taking advantage of JavaScript's style-alternating capabilities and event-handlers to make any dynamic web page easier to read in a few seconds.

Stereoscopic Vision in JavaScript
Remember when stereoscopic images were all the rage? Crowds of people would gather around printed images of a random grouping of colored dots, hoping that a 3D scene would emerge from the chaos. Today, you'll learn how these images actually work and how a simple JavaScript program can dynamically generate just such an image.

How to Use JavaScript ++
One of the problems facing JavaScript developers is that the core features are only supported in the latest browsers. In this article, users will learn how to use JavaScript to solve this problem.

JavaScript Popup Media Player
Playing videos in popup windows is often a simple task, but when you end up with multiple pages for each individual video, things can quickly become complicated. We can clean that up with JavaScript, and still make it accessible to users who don't have JavaScript.

Dynamic HTML Lab: Pop-up Calendar 1.1
The first maintenance release of our new, but already popular, Popup Calendar includes better navigation bar styling, the ability to clear read-only input fields and fixes a couple of minor problems missed the first time around. By Peter Belesis.

JavaScript Programming: An Introduction to dltypeof()
To fully appreciate the functionality of dltypeof(), you should be familiar with the JS operator it attempts to replace, typeof(), and the frustrations associated with the limitations of the typeof() operator.

The History of JavaScript and Databases
JavaScript and databases have a mixed history, due in part to JavaScript's success. But Web security provisions restricts the ability of a Web program to read (and write) local files. Here are some options to change that. By Jacques Surveyor.

The Irony of JavaScript's Success
JavaScript has had a roller coaster ride of early phenomenal success, then some bruisings and now renewed success as a macro language, but this recent success may be the highpoint for JavaScript.

JavaScript Synchronized Frame Scrolling: Part 3: Putting It All Together
In the final chapter of this series, we synchronize the verticaland horizontal frames. We place code from the previous articles into one so that both frames will scroll in both directions: horizontally and vertically.

JavaScript Trends: Mixed Signals
Given the popularity of the Web and the role JavaScript plays in Web development, one would expect JavaScript to be ranked in the top ten programming languages. But if you take the measure of JavaScript in 2004 you get mixed signals.

How to Create a JavaScript Web Page Screen Saver
This JavaScript tutorial shows you how to implement a screen saver on a web page. It activates after a timeout, hides the current content of the page, creates an attractive display and more. By Guyon Roche.

JavaScript Synchronized Frame Scrolling, Pt. 2: Horizontal Scrolling
In part one of this series, we looked at how to synchronize two vertically scrolling frames. Today, we'll look at how to make these frames scroll horizontally. This is useful for horizontally oriented sites, such as those designed with Flash or CSS. By Jonathan Fenocchi.

Creating a Textbox with JavaScript Auto-Complete
As a user types in new values using the Auto-Complete feature of Internet Explorer, it maintains a list of values that the user has entered. But there are some limitations. These are overcome in this article, using JavaScript.

A Scrolling Grid
A problem often encountered in web design is condensing large tables of data into a standard 800x600 web page. In this article you'll Iearn how to use JavaScript to render any amount of table data into a small grid. By Guyon Roche.

JavaScript Image Preloader
One of JavaScript's greatest strengths is the generation of HTML code on the fly. One of the hurdles to overcome when generating HTML is to ensure that any images referenced using image tags are properly loaded. By Guyon Roche.

Ad-Rotation in JavaScript
Ad-Rotation is widespread and important for many sites, such as those that offer free services. In this article, you'll learn how to generate random advertisements in JavaScript, and explore some other features along the way. By Jonathan Fenocchi.

Compact JavaScript DatePicker Control
One of the many types of data entered into web forms is the date. The three main problems when handling date fields are Garbage Data, Validating, and Formats. To address these issues, here is a customized DatePicker control. By Guyon Roche.

JavaScript Core Objects. Pt. 2
This week, author Ellie Quigley covers the Wrapper, String, Number, Boolean and Function Objects. These core objects are consistent across different implementations and platforms and have been standardized by the ECMAScript 1.0 specification, allowing programs to be portable. By Prentice Hall.

JavaScript Chess Simulator: Chapter 2
In the previous section, we looked at the key components and requirements of this application, etc. In this chapter, we'll cover the basic movement of each piece, the capture of one piece by another, special moves such as castling and stepping backwards though the move list. By Greg Griffiths.

Form Elements Overlapping A Styled Layer
In this article, author Khalid Ali discusses a problem with form elements and how they can overlap styled elements. Here, he presents a workaround for it, using JavaScript.

Creating a Server Control for JavaScript Testing
Learn how to create an ASP.NET server control that detects if JavaScript is supported AND enabled in a user's browser.

Object Detection in the New Browser Age
Guest author Eddie Traversa argues the case in favor of object-based browser detection in JavaScript. The trick, of course, is knowing which unique objects are supported within each browser and platform.

Creating Unique Automatic JavaScript Objects
Need to create a JavaScript object, and ensure that one--and only one--instance is available to your scripts? Guest author Philip Chalmers discusses his technique for creating single JavaScript object instances that can be accessed from multiple scripts.

IBuySpy, Part I: Installing
Time now to see how JScript .NET and ASP.NET can be used together in a complete e-commerce application. Follow along as our own 007 (a.k.a, "Doc JavaScript") begins a new series that shows you how to convert the C#/VB based IBuySpy storefront into a JScript .NET implementation. By Yehuda Shiran and Tomer Shiran.

Book Excerpt: Beyond HTML Goodies
Goodies is as goodies does--or something like that. Our excerpt from chapter 6 of "Beyond HTML Goodies" runs through a collection of basic JavaScript-based form tricks, including auto submitting a form and select box-based navigation. From Que.

JScript .NET, Part VII: Web Services and ASP.NET
The Doc is back with more server-side services, this time utilizing ASP.NET. Just as JavaScript is the perfect helper for HTML on the client side, JScript .NET complements ASP.NET on the server. By Yehuda Shiran and Tomer Shiran.

JScript .NET, Part V: Polymorphism
Perhaps more difficult to pronounce then understand, polymorphism is a key feature of any object oriented language; and, as Doc Javascript explains, can be implemented in JScript .NET using both methods and interfaces. By Yehuda Shiran and Tomer Shiran.

JScript .NET, Part IV: Inheritance
Contrary to Mom's instructions, you don't always have to share your toys. With the right keywords, JScript .NET lets you ensure that your base methods cannot be replaced.

JavaScript for Non-programmers
It's possible to use JavaScript in your Web pages without spending months at night-school learning how the language works. Some scripts are plug and play - drop them in the right place on your HTML page and they'll work straight away. Others need only a small amount of customization to meet your needs. Here we take a look at JavaScript from a non-programmers point of view

Practical JavaScript for the Usable Web
This is a new kind of JavaScript book. It's not cut'n'paste, it's not a reference, and it's not an exhaustive investigation of the JavaScript language. It is about client-side, web-focused, and task-oriented JavaScript.

JScript .NET, Part II: Major Features
JScript .NET includes some features that are common to JavaScript, and other features more common to C++ or other programming languages. Doc's examination continues with a look at the definition of typed data, enumerated, and class-based variables. By Yehuda Shiran and Tomer Shiran.

JScript .NET, Part I: The Mechanics
While consuming a Web service is most commonly done by the client, dishing them out is a job for the server. Take a walk on the server-side, and learn the basics of Microsoft's latest ECMAScript based language: JScript .NET. By Yehuda Shiran and Tomer Shiran.

JavaScript Design - Chapter 17
JavaScript Design shows designers how to create interactive JavaScript applications for the Web. This excerpt discusses Working with XML and JavaScript. From New Riders Publishing.

Creating a Cross-Browser (DOM) Expandable Tree
Using DOM-based JavaScript techniques, guest author Nicholas C. Zakas teaches you how to create an expandable/collapsible navigation component for your Web pages. And lo and behold: the same script works identically in both IE5+ and Netscape 6.1+ - no browser specific branching required.

Book Excerpt: Detecting Plug-ins and Operating Systems
JavaScript can tell you a lot about a surfer's environment, provided you know where to look. Our final installment from "Designing with JavaScript" shows you how to check for installed plug-ins and operating systems. From O'Reilly.

Designing with JavaScript, 2nd Edition
WebRef offers you sample chapters from the book Designing with JavaScript, 2nd Edition. Before you learn how JavaScript differentiates between one browser and another, you need to understand how JavaScript gets information from the browser.

Designing with JavaScript, 2nd Edition - Part 3
This third and final installment in this series covers document properties, objects, properties, methods, and time shifts. Designing with JavaScript shows you how to create the effects you want, without forcing you to wade through pages of dry programmer-speak about variables, operators, and functions.

Designing with JavaScript, 2nd Edition: Part 2
In this second installment we look at the script tag and displaying the page. Designing with JavaScript shows you how to create the effects you want, without forcing you to wade through pages of dry programmer-speak about variables, operators, and functions.

Book Excerpt: JavaScript: The Definitive Guide
Now in its fourth edition, this classic reference from O'Reilly covers JavaScript from A to Z, including a full language reference and syntax tutorials. Our excerpt discusses the W3C's Document Object Model: how it is applied to HTML documents, and browser specific implications. From O'Reilly & Associates.

Professional JavaScript: Updating the Ticker
The conclusion of our two part mini-series from the Wrox Press title "Professional JavaScript" brings the BBC online ticker up to date. Integrating external data feeds, CSS interactions, and ticker implementation are some of the key topics covered.

Book Excerpt: Professional JavaScript 2nd Edition
What does it take to rework old JavaScript code to accommodate today's new browsers and standards? This two part excerpt discusses a real-world example of the process, from initial examination to final deployment. From Wrox Press.

Embedding Movies with Flash, Part I: Basic Methods
Audio clips aren't the only kind of Flash objects you can control with JavaScript. Today the good Doctor begins a new series that shows you how to interact with Flash movies in your Web pages. By Yehuda Shiran.


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