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TOC\ Web Developer References\ Web Development Resources\ Accessibility 

Access by Design  - Technological advances in adaptive technology for people with special needs are improving, but there's still a long way to go.   URL:,4413,1600189,00.html
Accessibility for All  - The DOJ has ruled that the Americans with Disabilities Act has jurisdiction over public Web sites. Will this mean equal access for all?   URL:,4413,1600188,00.html
Bobby **** - Bobby is a web-based tool that analyzes web pages for their accessibility to people with disabilities as well as their compatibility with various browesers.   URL:
Bobby Polices Sites for Accessibility  - Bobby is an analysis tool that lets sites determine how accessible they are to individuals with physical disabilities.   URL:,4413,1600186,00.html
Disabling Web Barriers  - Increasing use of dynamic content, multimedia advancements could foil disabled users ability to surf the Web.   URL:,4413,1600187,00.html
Making Your Web Site Accessible  - Make your site user-friendly with the right kind of "user accessibility" and design. Good accessibility means making full use of content when one or more senses is turned off or turned down.   URL:,4413,1600180,00.html
Section 508 Accessibility Documents **** - Links to various 508 Accessibility Documents including: -Final Standards Report -Summary of Final Standards Report -508 Accessibility Frequently Asked Questions -Related Websites   URL:
Section 508 Accessibility Guidelines Checklist ***** - Summary of the Section 508 Accessibility Guidelines that pertain to Web pages. This page contains a table that includes hyperlinks to the individual 508 requirements, the associated W3C Web Content Accessibility Guideline, and the W3C accessibility coding techniques.   URL:
Section 508 Accessibility Guidelines: Final Rule ***** - The formal name for this document is "Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards". This document contains the final accessibility standards and guidelines for electronic and information technology covered by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act Ammendments of 1998. WEB DEVEOPERS--- ALL web pages have to comply with section 1194.22 of this document by July 2001.   URL:
The Web Finds Its Voice  - VoxML, an upcoming Web standard, will let you talk to your favorite Web site over the phone.   URL:,4413,2145428,00.html
Trace R & D Center **** - The Trace Center has information on how to design equipment, WWW sites, information kiosks, etc. to be accessible.   URL:
WebAble ***** - A general source of information on disability and accessibility issues with many links to related sites. This is an excellent site for accessibility information and tools.   URL:

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