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TOC\ Web Developer References\ Web Development Resources\ Graphics & Fonts 

      Fonts *** - Over twelve thousand free clipart images and many links to other clipart sites. Lots of stuff to go through but worth it if you are looking for pre-made free web graphics.   URL:
CNET - Web Graphics - Building Web sites for kids **** - Children think and learn differently than adults do, and the Web sites they like are different, too. Basic Web design principles still apply--keep pages fast and lean, for example--but kid-oriented Web builders face unique issues when designing sites specifically for a young audience. By Kim Wimpsett (12/29/98).   URL:
Designing Web Graphics  - This and other books by Lynda Weinman are practical sets of web graphics techniques.   URL:
Zena's Clipart Collection *** - Large collection of unique free images for use on web pages including several categories of Native American clipart (people in native dress, objects, chiefs). This site also has borders, backgrounds and other non Indian art (including anatomy and medical images).   URL:

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