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MB4: Budget Planning, Formulation and Evaluation Division

The Budget Planning, Formulation and Appropriations Division coordinates the development of annual strategic plan, performance plan, and budget submissions; interprets guidance from Congress, OMB, DOC, and NOAA; and develops and presents alternatives to the NMFS Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Administrator.

The Division identifies strengths and weaknesses in NMFS programs to respond to national needs; and coordinates the design of new strategies and approaches; manages the strategic planning process for NMFS and updates annually the NMFS Strategic Plan; and coordinates NMFS strategic planning activities with NOAA in the development of the NOAA Strategic Plan. It develops budget request/justification documents consistent with NOAA and NMFS strategic plan goals based on input from NMFS Financial Management Centers, and NOAA programs; provides budget related input for the development of testimony and legislation; and tracks the budget through the Budget and Appropriations Committees, working closely with NOAA/DOC/OMB.

The Division monitors the Authorization process, and the impact of authorization on current and out-year budgets; and works with Program, Planning, and Integration and Program Planning and Evaluation staffs to interpret NOAA budget guidance to ensure planning is consistent with out-year planning estimates, and goal team objectives. The Division provides staff support to the Goal Teams.

The Budget Planning, Formulation and Appropriations Division also provides advice, support, and guidance on performance management, performance measure development, and performance reporting. The division maintains NMFS budget control tables and inventory of program budgets to ensure an integrated approach to NMFS policy, strategy and long-range planning processes involving the Assistant Administrator, Deputy Assistant Administrator all other agency executives, Regional and Science Center strategic planners and other program managers as needed.


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