Midwest Region

Compensation and Benefits

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At the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, we understand the importance of offering a salary and benefits that will help us attract and retain the best and brightest people. That is why you find us to be very competitive in all of these areas:

Competitive Salary - Like all federal employees, those who work for U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service earn salaries as prescribed by law. Most positions occupied by Service employees are classified either as: general schedule "GS" or as wage grade "WG." General schedule employees, the professional, technical, administrative, and clerical workers, receive annual salaries based on their GS grades 1 through 15. Entry-level biologists, for example, begin at the grade GS-5 or 7 and typically advance to the grade GS-11 or 12 without further competition. Current pay rates can be found on OPMs website.

Leave and Holidays - In addition to receiving 10 paid holidays per year, employees earn paid vacation time according to their length of service. Employees earn 13 vacation days per year during the first 3 years of service, 20 days per year after 3 years of service, and 26 days per year after 15 years of service. In addition, employees earn 13 days paid sick leave each year.

Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) - Multiple investment options similar to a 401(k) plan.

Social Security - Credit earned while working with the Government. Retirement benefits, disability protection, and survivor protection.

Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHB) - No waiting periods, required medical exam, or age/physical condition restrictions.

Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) - Group term life insurance - Basic life insurance and three options (Standard, Additional, and Family).

Family Friendly Flexibilities - Such as:  Flexible Work Schedules; Telecommuting; Family Friendly Leave Policies; Employee Assistance Program (EAP); Part-Time & Job Sharing Positions; Child & Elder Care Resources Adoption Information/Incentives; Child Support Services.

Last updated: July 8, 2008