United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
National HIV/AIDS Program
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Side Effects Guide

Weight Loss

Weight loss goes along with some of these other side effects. It can happen because of vomiting, nausea, fatigue, and other reasons.

Talk with your VA health care provider if you're losing weight without trying, meaning that you're not on a reducing diet.

Quick Tips: Weight Loss

  • Be sure to keep track of your weight, by stepping on scales and writing down how much you weigh. Tell your doctor if there are any changes.
  • Create your own high-protein drink by blending together yogurt, fruit (for sweetness), and powdered milk, whey protein, or soy protein.
  • Between meals, try store-bought nutritional beverages or bars (such as Carnation Instant Breakfast, Benefit, Ensure, Scandishake, Boost High Protein, NuBasics). Look for ones that are high in proteins, not sugars or fats.
  • Spread peanut butter on toast, crackers, fruit, or vegetables.
  • Add cottage cheese to fruit and tomatoes.
  • Add canned tuna to casseroles and salads.
  • Add shredded cheese to sauces, soups, omelets, baked potatoes, and steamed vegetables.
  • Eat yogurt on your cereal or fruit.
  • Eat hard-boiled (hard-cooked) eggs. Use them in egg-salad sandwiches or slice and dice them for tossed salads.
  • Add diced or chopped meats to soups, salads, and sauces.
  • Add dried milk powder, whey protein, soy protein or egg white powder to foods (for example, scrambled eggs, casseroles, and milkshakes).