Navigation Services

GPS Policy

Due to the sheer number of GPS users all across the world, even the slightest change in GPS operations can have a profound impact. This incredible navigation utility provides capabilities that translate into economic gains and increased public safety to billions of users all across the globe.

To ensure that the needs of all GPS users are met, and all impacts to changes in its operation are appropriately considered, GPS is managed at the highest levels of the U.S. government. As the aviation community is a key user of this technology, the FAA is closely involved in the development of policy for GPS. Accordingly, the FAA is represented in many forums where GPS policy is discussed and decided upon. This section of the website provides information on GPS policy that has molded the FAA's direction in the use of GPS up to this point, and describes current FAA involvement in these policy-making bodies.

Updated: 3:06 pm ET June 26, 2007