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Volume 2(2);  April 2005
From the Editor in Chief
Peas and Primroses
Lynne S. Wilcox
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A01. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327695
Developing Academic–Practice Partnerships to Enhance the Integration of Genomics Into Public Health
Karen L Edwards, Sarah F Raup, and Kristin Peterson Oehlke
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A02. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327696
Using Evidence-based Community and Behavioral Interventions to Prevent Skin Cancer: Opportunities and Challenges for Public Health Practice
Karen Glanz and Mona Saraiya
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A03. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327697
Blazing a Trail: A Public Health Research Agenda in Genomics and Chronic Disease
Colleen M McBride
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A04. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327698
Genomics and the Prevention and Control of Common Chronic Diseases: Emerging Priorities for Public Health Action
Muin J Khoury and George A Mensah
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A05. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327699
How Do We Ensure the Quality of the Public Health Workforce?
Stephen B Thacker
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A06. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327700
William Baldyga and Karen Petersmarck
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A07. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327701
Original Research
PEER REVIEWED: Review of State Comprehensive Cancer Control Plans for Genomics Content
Debra E Irwin, Erin Shaughnessy Zuiker, Tejinder Rakhra-Burris, and Robert C Millikan
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A08. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327702
PEER REVIEWED: Adherence to Oral Hypoglycemic Agents in Hawaii
Rachel Lee and Deborah A Taira
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A09. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327703
PEER REVIEWED: Using the State Plan Index to Evaluate the Quality of State Plans to Prevent Obesity and Other Chronic Diseases
Diane O Dunět, Frances D Butterfoss, Robin Hamre, and Sarah Kuester
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A10. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327704
PEER REVIEWED: Development of a Brief Survey on Colon Cancer Screening Knowledge and Attitudes Among Veterans
Michael S Wolf, Alfred Rademaker, Charles L Bennett, M. Rosario Ferreira, Nancy C Dolan, Marian Fitzgibbon, Terry C Davis, Franklin Medio, Dachao Liu, and June Lee
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A11. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327705
PEER REVIEWED: Secular Trends in Age at Menarche, Smoking, and Oral Contraceptive Use Among Israeli Girls
Gabriel Chodick, Alfred Rademaker, Michael Huerta, Ran D Balicer, Nadav Davidovitch, and Itamar Grotto
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A12. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327706
PEER REVIEWED: Knowledge and Perceptions of Diabetes in an Appalachian Population
Irene Tessaro, Shannon L Smith, and Sheila Rye
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A13. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327707
PEER REVIEWED: Rural Community Knowledge of Stroke Warning Signs and Risk Factors
Todd S Harwell, Lynda L Blades, Carrie S Oser, Crystelle C Fogle, Steven D Helgerson, Dorothy Gohdes, Dennis W Dietrich, Anne M Burnett, Nicholas J Okon, Martha J Allen, Daniel V Rodriguez, and Joseph A Russell
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A14. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327708
PEER REVIEWED: State Plan Index: A Tool for Assessing the Quality of State Public Health Plans
Frances D Butterfoss and Diane O Dunĕt
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A15. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327709
PEER REVIEWED: Anthropometric Changes Using a Walking Intervention in African American Breast Cancer Survivors: A Pilot Study
Diane B Wilson, Jerlym S Porter, Gwen Parker, and James Kilpatrick
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A16. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327710
PEER REVIEWED: Prevalence of Physical Activity in the United States: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2001
Caroline A Macera, Sandra A Ham, Michelle M Yore, Deborah A Jones, C Dexter Kimsey, Harold W Kohl, III, and Barbara E Ainsworth, III
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A17. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327711
PEER REVIEWED: Adherence to Heart-Healthy Behaviors in a Sample of the U.S. Population
Chris L Bryson, Rosalie R Miller, Anne E Sales, Branko Kopjar, and Stephan D Fihn
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A18. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327712
PEER REVIEWED: Family History, Diabetes, and Other Demographic and Risk Factors Among Participants of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999–2002
Ann M Annis, Mark S Caulder, Michelle L Cook, and Debra Duquette
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A19. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327713
Special Topics
PEER REVIEWED: Childhood Obesity — What We Can Learn From Existing Data on Societal Trends, Part 2
Roland Sturm
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A20. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327714
PEER REVIEWED: Featured Abstracts From the 19th National Conference on Chronic Disease Prevention and Control
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A21. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327715
| Full Text |
Community Case Studies
PEER REVIEWED: Capturing Change in a Community–University Partnership: The ¡Sí Se Puede! Project
Michele A Kelley, William Baldyga, Fabiola Barajas, and Maria Rodriguez-Sanchez
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A22. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327716
PEER REVIEWED: Blood Pressure Sunday: Introducing Genomics to the Community Through Family History
Debra Duquette, Velma Theisen, Rosalyn Beene-Harris, Janice Bach, Sharon Kardia, and Catharine Wang
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A23. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327717
PEER REVIEWED: Utah’s Family High Risk Program: Bridging the Gap Between Genomics and Public Health
Jenny Johnson, Rebecca T Giles, LaDene Larsen, Joan Ware, Ted Adams, and Steven C Hunt
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A24. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327718
Tools and Techniques
Genomics and Public Health: Development of Web-based Training Tools for Increasing Genomic Awareness
Sharon LR Kardia, Jennifer Bodzin, Aaron Goldenberg, Toby Citrin, Sarah F Raup, and Janice V Bach
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A25. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327719
Prevention Research Centers: Contributions to Updating the Public Health Workforce Through Training
Adele L Franks, Ross C Brownson, Elizabeth A Baker, Terry L Leet, Margret A O'Neall, Carol Bryant, Kelli McCormack Brown, Steven P Hooker, Dennis M Shepard, R. Pate Russell, Kathleen N Gillespie, and Eduardo J Simoes
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A26. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327720
The Asthma Consultative Process: A Collaborative Approach to Integrating Genomics Into Public Health Practice
Karen L Edwards, Tabitha A Harrison, and Wylie Burke
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A27. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327721
Book Reviews
Health Literacy from A to Z: Practical Ways to Communicate Your Health Message
Darren A. DeWalt
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A28. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327722
Human Genome Epidemiology: A Scientific Foundation for Using Genetic Information to Improve Health and Prevent Disease
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A29. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327723
Letters to the Editor
A Note on “A Catalog of Biases in Questionnaires”
Jeffrey J Harrow
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A30. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327724
A Note on “A Catalog of Biases in Questionnaires” [Response to Letter]
Bernard C.K. Choi and Anita W.P. Pak
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A31. Published online 2004 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327725
Errata, Vol. 2: No. 1
Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 April; 2(2): A32. Published online 2005 March 15.
PMCID: PMC1327726
Corrects: Roland Sturm. PEER REVIEWED: Childhood Obesity — What We Can Learn From Existing Data on Societal Trends, Part 1. Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 January; 2(1): A12.
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