"Table 3-25b: Federal, State, and Local Government Transportation-Related Revenues and Expenditures, Fiscal Year (Chained 2000 $ millions)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,1980,1985,1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,(R) 1995,(R) 1996,(R) 1997,(R) 1998,(R) 1999,(R) 2000,(R) 2001,(R) 2002,2003 Total government revenues," 66,341 "," 80,106 "," 90,941 "," 97,367 "," 99,153 "," 102,114 "," 102,194 ","114,185","114,085","111,788","122,063","136,465","128,597","122,609","127,553","123,950" Federal ," 19,952 "," 27,996 "," 28,414 "," 32,839 "," 32,169 "," 32,693 "," 31,497 ","35,667","35,339","35,145","42,527","54,938","47,146","41,940","43,172","42,631" State and local ," 46,389 "," 52,110 "," 62,527 "," 64,528 "," 66,985 "," 69,421 "," 70,697 ","78,518","78,746","76,643","79,535","81,527","81,451","80,669","84,381","81,319" Total government expenditures,"95,431","118,603","131,270","136,269","141,489","139,654","146,867","173,577","173,908","177,008","180,158","194,479","195,398","214,290","221,107","227,529" State and local expenditures less federal grantsa,"47,715","75,555","90,180","94,531","97,551","95,061","100,866","121,311","123,215","126,575","130,351","143,494","139,101","147,322","147,154","149,175" Federal grantsb,"28,286","27,648","26,172","25,906","26,552","27,516","26,956","23,081","23,157","22,962","23,136","25,124","26,191","28,512","30,524","31,139" "Federal expenditures, less grants","19,429","15,400","14,919","15,832","17,386","17,078","19,044","29,185","27,536","27,471","26,671","25,861","30,106","38,456","43,430","47,214" KEY: R = revised; U = data are not available.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "a Figures for state and local expenditures less federal grants were determined by subtracting federal grants from state and local expenditures including grants. State and local expenditures including grants were obtained from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, which uses different definitions and accounting methods than those used by some modal administrations of the U.S. Department of Transportation. For example, highway expenditures in this table do not include traffic control activities by police or public safety activities; while the highway expenditure statistics published by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration do include these items. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "b Federal grants to state and local governments for research and special programs, and emergency preparedness are included starting from 1985.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, NOTE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Beginning in 1995 a new methodology is used, numbers from years prior to 1995 are not comparable, see the Government Transportation Financial Statistics report for details.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, All numbers were converted to chained dollars using the Government consumption expenditures and gross investment price index.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, SOURCES,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "1980: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, unpublished data.",,,,,,,,, "1985–1994: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Government Transportation Financial Statistics: 2003 (Washington, DC: forthcoming), 3-b, 13-b, and 14-b.",,,,,,,,, "1995-2003 U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Government Transportation Financial Statistics: 2007",,,,,,,,, "Constant dollar deflator: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Income and Product Accounts, Washington, DC, table 3.9.4. ",,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,