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  Press Release  

John Robinson (831) 647-4237 or 4201
Scott Kathey (831) 647-4251

Limited Jade Collection in Big Sur Allowed Under Sanctuary Amendment

A regulatory amendment allowing the limited collection of marine jade in the Jade Cove area of Big Sur took effect this week, ending a lengthy approval process.

This amendment to the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary regulations affects only the Jade Cove area, which is defined as extending from southern Sand Dollar Beach to Cape San Martin, from the mean high tide line out to a depth of 90 feet. Collection of jade in all other areas of the Sanctuary remains prohibited.

"We are pleased that this amendment has become law," said William Douros, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Superintendent. "It will allow the divers, artists and rock collectors - some of whom have collected jade from the area for decades - to once again collect small amounts of the stone while ensuring that the resource will not be damaged, or significantly depleted. I appreciate the hard work of those in the community and the Sanctuary staff and Advisory Council, for crafting a solution we all can live with."

The provisions of the amendment include:

It allows limited, small-scale collection of small pieces of already loose jade.

Each person may remove only what they can individually carry out. The removal of jade pieces larger than an individual can carry requires a permit from the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.

  • The use of pneumatic, mechanical, electrical, hydraulic or explosive tools to collect jade is prohibited.
  • No tools may be used except hand tools, defined as a hand-held implement no greater than 36 inches in length with no moving parts.
  • Divers may use a lift bag or multiple lift bags with a combined lift capacity not to exceed 200 pounds.

When the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary was founded in 1992, its regulations included a prohibition against exploring for, developing or producing oil, gas or other minerals within the Sanctuary.

These regulations, which are designed to prevent oil drilling and sea floor mining, also prohibit the removal of jade - an activity which has drawn divers and rock collectors to the Jade Cove area near the town of Gorda for many years.

This amendment to allow the resumption of jade collecting at Jade Cove came at the request of divers, Big Sur area residents and other citizens, after it was determined that the new regulations would not weaken Sanctuary-wide protections or harm this relatively rare resource.


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