Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Printable Version

Highlights of Top 25 Freight Gateways by Shipment Value

This section presents gateway-specific tables and brief highlights of key transportation data for U.S. international merchandise freight passing through the gateways into and out of the United States.

For land gateways the report presents data on:

  • the value of imports and exports
  • the weight of imports
  • the mode of transportation
  • top origin and destination states
  • annual incoming truck and rail containers 1999-2003
  • annual land trade value 1999-2003
  • trend in annual incoming trucks, 1994-2003
  • trend in monthly incoming trucks, 2001-2003

For air gateways the report presents data on:

  • the value and weight of imports and exports
  • origin and destination country and city
  • air cargo tonnage 1999-2003
  • top carriers to and from the airports
  • trend in annual air tonnage, 1994-2003
  • trend in monthly air tonnage, 2001-2003

For water gateways the report presents data on:

  • the value and weight of imports and exports
  • containerized cargo imports and exports
  • origin and destination country and seaport
  • port calls by vessel type and capacity
  • trend in annual maritime tonnage, 1997-2003
  • trend in monthly maritime tonnage, 2002-2003

The report presents the freight gateways according to their ranking by value of shipments in 2003, as listed in table 2. The companion CD to this report, Gateway Resource CD, provides more detailed information on these 25 gateways and also covers over 200 additional freight gateways.