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Review of Extramural Research Areas

Recommendations of the NIAAA Extramural Advisory Board (EAB)

  • Alcohol Health Services Research [PDF-13 KB]
  • Developing an NIAAA Plan for HIV-related Biomedical Research [PDF-18 KB]
  • Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Research [PDF-10 KB]
  • Gene X Environment Interactions [PDF-13 KB]
  • Health Communications Programs and Research [PDF-49.9]
  • Mechanisms of Alcohol Action and Injury (MAAIT I) [PDF-18 KB]
  • Mechanisms of Alcohol Addiction (MAAIT II) [PDF-15 KB]
  • Mechanisms of Behavioral Change [PDF-13 KB]
  • Medications Development  [PDF-14 KB]


Epidemiology and Prevention Research (DEPR) Planning Document
(Report to the EAB, August 16-17, 2006)

  • EAB Recommendations [PDF-13 KB]


    Archival Reports--Advisory Council Subcommittee Review of Extramural Research Areas


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    Updated: September 2008

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