APR 23, 2003 12:49PM	ACCUWEATHER ST. College, Pa 16803  No. 2205 P.1

ACCUWEATHER					Office of the Executive Vice President
The World's Weather Authority	     		385 Science Park Road
						State College, PA 16803-2215
						814-235-8520 fax 814-235-8528
				    		April 22, 2003

General John J. Kelly, Jr.
Assistant Administrator for Weather Services
National Weather Service - NOAA
Room 18150
Silver Spring Metro Center II	     		Via Fax: 301-587-4524
Silver Spring, MD  20910			Original by Regular Mail

Dear Jack:

I am writing to you in your official capacity as Assistant Administrator for Weather Services.
Please consider this to be a formal complaint under the Implementation Section of the Policy
Statement of the Weather Services/Private Sector Roles -- The National Weather Service and the
Private Weather Industry: A Public--Private Partnership, 56 Federal Register 13, pp. 1984-1986,
January 18, 1991 (Public/Private Partnership).

It has come to our attention that National Weather Service offices in Miami is now offering
weather information to wireless devices over at least two separate URLs.

We believe that these are specialized services in the realm of the private sector.  Such services
have been developed and implemented and are already on-line through a variety of partnerships
between the Commercial Weather Industry and the telecommunications industry.  We believe
that this is totally outside of the mission of the National Weather Service, competitive with 
private industry, a waste (if not misuse of taxpayer dollars) and a breach of faith with the private

Ed Johnson, Director of the National Weather Service Office of Strategic Planning and Policy, in
a presentation to the National Research Council on February 19, 2002 is quoted as saying "to 
take advantage of wireless services to the public, the National Weather Service need not invest in 
any new communications infrastructure.  Indeed the National Weather Service has no plans for
disseminating weather information via wireless devices."

These services are in direct competition of services that have existed in the private sector now for 
some time.  These partnerships between Commercial Weather Industry companies and
communications companies involve substantial investments which we believe is not subject to 
risk and unfair competition by the National Weather Service and in violation of the commitment 
made by Ed Johnson to the National Research Council and on which many have relied.

General John J. Kelly, Jr.		-2-		April 22, 2003

We believe this NWS activity is in violation of the Public/Private Partnership, which states in
part "the National Weather Service will not compete with the private sector when a service is
currently provided or can be provided by commercial enterprises, unless otherwise directed by
applicable law." We believe the NWS's own policy as quoted above plus other sections thereof
limits its involvement with the media to direct participation with radio and television only in
urgent situations involving extreme weather, for the protection of life and property, not routine
provision of media products and services as these Internet/wireless products represent and that
are already available in the private sector.

We also believe this activity violates the spirit and intent of various federal laws including, but 
not limited to:

	1. Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995

	2. Federal Activities Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act of 1998

	3. OMB Circular No. A-130

	4. OMB Circular No. A-76

And, we believe this activity violates internal NWS policies and directives.

Further we do not believe this competitive activity, funded by taxpayer dollars, was 
contemplated by Congress in funding the National Weather Service.

We request this activity be halted immediately and that all National Weather Service offices be
informed of their obligations.

Your most serious immediate attention to this is requested.

						Very best regards,

						Barry Lee Myers


CC:	Glenn E. Talia, Esquire
	Joel N. Myers
