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Ground-Based Augmentation System Office - News

Honeywell LAAS Prototype Updated With Integrity Algorithms

September 2006 - Honeywell has delivered all integrity algorithm description documents (ADDs) in conjunction with MOD 2 of the contract to the FAA for review. These ADDs have been uploaded into the LAAS provably safe prototype ground station at Memphis. A "provably safe" design means that the 16 key integrity risks identified at contract award have been mitigated through analysis and the algorithm design and prototype processes.

LAAS Flight Tests for Honeywell Contract Complete

September 2006 - The FAA Technical Center successfully completed over 100 approaches for the Honeywell contract, using the LAAS prototype ground station at Memphis. The purpose of these flight tests was to evaluate the accuracy of the provably safe prototype by determining the horizontal and vertical navigation sensor error (NSE).

LAAS Terminal Area Path Flight Testing

Summer 2006 - The FAA Technical Center and the LAAS Operational Implementation Team have developed several terminal area path (TAP) approach procedures for the Memphis terminal area airspace. The TAP approaches were designed to prove that an older, analog aircraft such as Federal Express's Boeing 727 could fly an "RNAV-like" approach. The FAA Technical Center flew the approaches in Atlantic City using their own Boeing 727 to evaluate TAP benefits. The flight tests were successful and showed initial time and fuel savings versus radar vectored approaches. FedEx plans to fly the TAP approaches at Memphis in their Boeing 727 in early 2007 and already equipped their aircraft with an upgraded truthing system and multi-mode receivers.

Memorandum of Understanding with AirServices Australia

February 2006 - The FAA signed an MOU with Airservices Australia (ASA) to cooperate in the regulatory approval process for an ICAO SARPS compliant GBAS. Airservices and Honeywell will develop a certifiable (DO-178B/Do-254 compliant) ground system based on FAA developed integrity algorithms. This certified software, along with upgraded processors and receivers will allow for a non-Federal regulatory approval of the Memphis LAAS ground station. Honeywell is currently working with the LAAS Program Office to obtain the system design approval, facility approval, and service approval needed for the non-Federal approval for Memphis. Honeywell is also working with ASA to provide the same updates to the LAAS station in Sydney so that the ground stations in Memphis and Sydney are the same and obtain approval at approximately the same time. The groups are aiming for a September 2008 Category I non-Federal approval.

Please be sure to check out the latest version of the SatNav News available Online.

Updated: 5:36 pm ET June 13, 2007