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What's New

Unclaimed Children Revisited
The Status of Children's Mental Health Policy in the United States

This report documents and assesses the effectiveness of mental health services for children and youth with mental health problems, those at risk, and their families. Our data demonstrate that states are still struggling to deliver adequate care, while federal leadership is lacking. Based on these findings, we propose key policy changes necessary to improving service delivery.

Low-Income Children in the United States
National and State Trend Data, 1997-2007

The number of children living in low-income families has increased since 2000. This updated trend book brings together national and 50-state data on the characteristics of low-income children over the past decade.

New Mexico Family Resource Simulator

See how much it takes to make ends meet in New Mexico - and how work supports can help. New Mexico is now among the states included in NCCP’s Family Resource Simulator and Basic Needs Budget Calculator.

The Challenges of Child Care
More Help Needed for Houston's Families

Child care is one of the largest expenses families face; expanding access to child care assistance is an important step toward making work pay. Read about the need for child care assistance in the Houston fact sheet and the companion fact sheet for San Antonio.

Featured Projects

Making Work Supports Work

Making Work Supports" Work is designed to help policymakers explore policy challenges and identify feasible solutions.

Project THRIVE

Project THRIVE is a public policy analysis and education initiative to promote healthy child development and to provide policy support to the State Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems (ECCS) initiatives.

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