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Region 9 Regional Office
626 East Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53202

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Urban Connections

The Eastern Region is the most urbanized portion of the entire country. Eastern Region national forests form a perimeter around a vast band of urban areas, including nearly half of the top twenty metropolitan areas in the U.S.

Boston, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Chicago, and Detroit are cities where we are developing interagency partnerships with groups of interested citizens who share our vision. We seek to increase existing urban outreach efforts and connect them to education, research and development work throughout the U.S.

Chief Continues “More Kids in the Woods" with a new call for proposals

More kids in the Woods logo

Parents, educators, physicians, and land managers are increasingly concerned with the growing disconnect between children and nature, and the kind of future we are creating for our children. Disconnection from nature also translates into a shaky future for sustainable forests and healthy public lands. On December 18, 2007 , Chief Kimbell issued an agency-wide call for More Kids in the Woods proposals with a commitment of $500,000 in 2008. By awarding challenge cost share funds for a second year, the Forest Service continues its efforts to improve childrens’ health, while closing the widening gap between America ’s youth. Project proposals must be submitted to a Forest Service office or field unit by February 15, 2008 . Projects need to engage non-federal partners with at least a 1:1 match. Matching contributions may be in-kind or cash. Partners that are interested in participating should contact their nearest Forest Service office to discuss potential projects.

Funded Projects in 2007

Additionally, the Chief presented a challenge to all agency employees, partners, and anyone who cares about the future of forests or of children. The challenge: Take a child to the woods this year…share the wonder.

Through these efforts, the Forest Service wants to ensure that every child in America has the opportunity to personally experience the Great Outdoors, whether it is in a remote mountain wilderness or in a spot of nature created and protected in the heart of our cities.

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Eastern Region:
Eastern Region map

The Eastern Region is the most geographically, ecologically, and socially diverse area in the country. Regional boundaries contain 20 states with over 43% of the nation's population. view map

Our Vision:
  • Protect ecosystems across boundaries
  • Connect citizens to the land
  • Walk the talk for sustainability
  • Revolutionize effectiveness and efficiency
  • Be an employer of choice

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Greening of Detroit Ex. Director Rebecca S. Witt on right helps plant one of 2500 trees during Carbon Neutral Project of Detroit SuperBowl


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Issue #3
Spring 2008; News & Events

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