U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region masthead Photo of a wolf

Gray Wolf (Canis lupus)

Archived Information - 2003 Final Rule to Reclassify/Delist the Gray Wolf

Below is information about the Final Rule to Reclassify and Delist the Gray Wolf in Portions of the United States that was published in the Federal Register on April 1, 2003. However, on January 31, 2005, a U.S. District Court in Portland, Oregon vacated and enjoined that Rule and the Department of Justice declined to appeal the decision. The Vermont District Court ruled similarly. Therefore, the Service considers that the gray wolf reverted back to the ESA status that existed prior to the 2003 reclassification.

Information about the April 1, 2003 Rule to Reclassify and Delist the Gray Wolf

Final Rule Summary html; pdf

Final Rule: Questions and Answers html; pdf

Reference List for Gray Wolf Reclassification/Delisting Final Rule pdf

News Release: Gray Wolves Move Toward Recovery; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Reclassifies Some Wolves from Endangered to Threatened (March 18, 2003) html; pdf

Gray Wolf Eastern Distinct Population Segment (html; pdf) fact sheet about what the Eastern DPS designation means

Questions and Answers About the Gray Wolf Western Distinct Population Segment 4(d) Rule pdf

What is a "Distinct Population Segment?" htm; pdf

What is the Difference Between Endangered and Threatened? html; pdf

Special Regulations for Taking Gray Wolves

Minnesota 4(d) Rule pdf

4(d) Rule for Midwestern Wolves (except Minnesota) pdf

Summary of the Federal Regulations for Gray Wolves in the Eastern DPS html; pdf

Western Distinct Population Segment 4(d) Rule pdf

Summary of Western Gray Wolf DPS 4(d) Rule pdf

Yellowstone and Central Idaho Non-essential Experimental Population Areas pdf

Mexican Wolf Non-essential Experimental Population Area pdf

Little-Known But Important Features of the Endangered Species Act - Distinct Population Segments, 4(d) Rules, and Experimental Populations html pdf


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