U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region masthead Photo of a wolf

Gray Wolf (Canis lupus)

Reinstatement of Protections for the Gray Wolf in the Western Great Lakes and Northern Rocky Mountains in Compliance With Court Orders (Dec. 11, 2008)
This final rule reinstates Endangered Species Act protection to gray wolves in the upper Midwest (i.e., western Great Lakes) and northern Rocky Mountains as ordered by the courts as a result of two lawsuits. This action is effective December 11, 2008. However, the court orders had legal effect immediately upon their filing on July 18, 2008, September 29, 2008, and October 14, 2008.

Court ruling places western Great Lakes Gray Wolf back under Endangered Species Act protections - September 30, 2008

Judge's Opinion

Our Solicitors are working on the next steps that the Service will take to address the court ruling. When new information is available, we will post it on this site.

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Final Rule to Delist the Gray Wolf Western Great Lakes Distinct Population Segment

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service removed ESA protection for the Gray Wolf Western Great Lakes Distinct Population Segment.  The final rule to delist this Distinct Population Segment was published in the Federal Register on February 8, 2007 and took effect on March 12, 2007. Since the gray wolf was first listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in 1974, recovery programs have helped populations of this species rebound from the lows experienced during the middle of the 20th century.  Today, wolf recovery has been achieved in the Western Great Lakes region of the United States which is why the gray wolf was delisted in the Western Great Lakes area.

Following Delisting of the Gray Wolf Western Great Lakes Distinct Population Segment, a draft Post-delisting Monitoring Plan was published for public review and comment. Comments on the plan are due on or before July 5, 2007.

Below are documents pertaining to the final rule to delist and the draft post-delisting monitoring plan.

Federal Register Notice of Availability: Draft Post-Delisting Monitoring Plan for the Western Great Lakes Distinct Population Segment of the Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) - June 4, 2007

Draft Post-Delisting Monitoring Plan - Gray Wolf Western Great Lakes Distinct Population Segment (June 4, 2007)

News Release (Feb. 8, 2007): Gray Wolves Recover, Delisted In Western Great Lakes Area: Final rule published today; becomes effective March 12

Final Rule Removing the Western Great Lakes Distinct Population Segment of the Gray Wolf From the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife

Reference List for the Final Rule to Delist the Western Great Lakes Distinct Population Segment (16-page Adobe PDF)

January 29, 2007 News Release: Interior Department Announces Delisting of Western Great Lakes Wolves; Proposed Delisting of Northern Rocky Mountain Wolves

Summary of the Final Rule to Delist the Gray Wolf Western Great Lakes Distinct Population Segment

Questions and Answers about Final Rule to Delist the Gray Wolf Western Great Lakes DPS

Map of the Gray Wolf Western Great Lakes Distinct Population Segment

Wolf Recovery in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan

Wolf Populations in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan 1973 - 2006

Gray Wolf Fact Sheet

Questions and Answers about Gray Wolf Biology

Gray Wolf Current Populations and Range in North America

March 21 , 2007


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