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Recreational Fishing Statistics

NOAA is leading the way in cutting-edge research on our ocean ecosystems and serves as the clearinghouse for marine fisheries data. NOAA regularly collects a variety of information ranging from the number of fish caught and the status of fish populations to social and economic data on recreational fisheries.

Glossary of Terms

The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act defines bycatch as "fish which are harvested in a fishery, but which are not sold or kept for personal use, and includes economic discards and regulatory discards…[but not] fish released alive under a recreational catch and release fishery management program."

Catch: The total number or poundage of fish captured from an area over some period of time. This includes fish that are caught but released or discarded instead of being landed. Note: catch, harvest, and landings are different terms with different definitions.

Harvest: The total number or weight of fish caught and kept from an area over a period of time.

Landings: The number or weight of fish caught, kept and brought to shore.

Marine Recreational Fisheries Statistics Survey (MRFSS): An annual survey by NOAA Fisheries to estimate the number, catch, and effort of recreational anglers.


hooked gray tuna

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