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Accession No 00647473
Authors Schmitt, E
Conference Title Ninth PIARC International Winter Road Congress, Technical Report, Volume 1 information
Corp. Authors
/ Publisher
Bundesministerium fur Wirtschaftliche Angelegenheiten information
Publication Date   19940300
Description p. 210-216; Figures(1)
Languages English
Abstract Results from three different winter road maintenance periods indicate that the behavior of pavements made of asphaltic concrete and those of porous asphalt - even with varying grain mixes of 0/8 mm and 0/11 mm - did not differ markedly from each other and certainly not to an extent that would suggest discontinuing the use of the latter materials. These experiences assume appropriate attentiveness on the part of the personnel, planning of the operations, and precise weather forecasting. The disadvantages that porous asphalt was originally thought to have in winter road maintenance may have been well-founded in theory, but they were not confirmed in practice and appear to be controllable.
TRT Terms Asphalt pavements information; Highway maintenance information; Maintenance practices information; Pavements information; Porous materials information; Weather forecasting information; Winter maintenance information
Other Terms Maintenance operations; Porous pavements; Road maintenance
Subject Areas H40 MAINTENANCE, GENERAL; I62 Winter Maintenance
Bundesministerium fur Wirtschaftliche Angelegenheiten information
Database TRIS Online
TRIS is a bibliographic database funded by sponsors of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), primarily the state departments of transportation and selected federal transportation agencies. TRIS Online is hosted by the National Transportation Library under a cooperative agreement between the Bureau of Transportation Statistics and TRB.
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