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Accession No 00646265
Authors Small, K A; Song, S
Corp. Authors
/ Publisher
University of California Transportation Center information
Publication Date   19910000
Description 15 p.; References; Tables
Languages English
Abstract This note discusses the debate over the empirical underpinnings of urban economic models that are emerging under the term 'wasteful commuting.' This note clarifies the conceptual issues and provides new and more reliable empirical evidence. Distinction is made among different theoretical notions of a minimum required commute by defining it for an arbitrary pattern of land use. It is then measured using 1980 data from Los Angeles for two patterns corresponding respectively to the calculations described by Hamilton (1982) and White (1988). It was found that the required commute using the pattern corresponding to White's calculation is only about a third of the actual average commute; under the monocentric pattern, it is smaller still. It is thus noted that a large portion of commuting is excess in the sense that it cannot be explained by applying standard assumptions of urban economic models to either patterns.
TRT Terms Calculation information; Commuting information; Land use information; Mathematical models information; Urban areas information; Urban transportation information
Geographical Terms Los Angeles (California)
Other Terms Computations; Models; Urban land use
Subject Areas H54 OPERATIONS AND TRAFFIC CONTROL; H12 PLANNING; I72 Traffic and Transport Planning
Report Number Working Paper No. 87
University of California Transportation Center information
Database TRIS Online
TRIS is a bibliographic database funded by sponsors of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), primarily the state departments of transportation and selected federal transportation agencies. TRIS Online is hosted by the National Transportation Library under a cooperative agreement between the Bureau of Transportation Statistics and TRB.
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