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Accession No 00642395
Authors Zhu, J J; Nayar, R
Journal Title Transportation Research Record information No. 1410
Corp. Authors
/ Publisher
Transportation Research Board information
Publication Date   19930000
Description p. 52-58; Figures(7); References(15); Tables(1)
Languages English
Abstract Profilographs are widely used for characterization, specification, and quality control of initial pavement roughness during highway construction. Pavement roughness is indicated by a profile index (PI). The PI is usually evaluated manually from the profilogram, which is a strip chart of profile traces, using a blanking band profile index (BBPI) algorithm. The manual BBPI algorithm is laborious, subjective, and prone to operator errors; thus results are highly unreliable and unrepeatable. A new personal computer software package, APPARE (automated pavement profile analysis and roughness evaluation), currently being developed at the Louisiana State University using the profilogram and other types of digitized pavement profile data, is reported. APPARE has an interactive graphical user interface and an image-processing engine capable of digitizing profilograms using commercially available, low-cost desktop scanners; it evaluates the PI and other widely used roughness indexes, such as international roughness index, using digitized pavement profile data from any profiling and roughness measuring instrument. In particular, a fine-tuned computer BBPI algorithm is developed and successfully implemented.
This paper appears in Transportation Research Record No. 1410, Pavement Monitoring and Evaluation.
TRT Terms Algorithms information; Analog to digital converters information; Automation information; Computer graphics information; Image processing information; Profilographs information; Roughness information; Software information
Other Terms Digitizing; Interactive graphics
Subject Areas H24 PAVEMENT DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE; I23 Properties of Road Surfaces
ISBN 0309055571
Transportation Research Board Business Office information
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