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Accession No 00641495
Authors Ichniowski, T
Journal Title ENR information Vol. 231 No. 25
Corp. Authors
/ Publisher
McGraw-Hill Information Systems Company information
Publication Date   19931220
Description p. 6
Languages English
Abstract The U.S. Department of Transportation has mapped a network of the nations most important roads, called the National Highway System, (NHS), which will shape highway investment for many years to come. The NHS roads will be eligible for a slice of the $3.6 billion a year authorized under the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act. The NHS bill would let the Public Works Committee authorize projects before the ISTEA's 1997 expiration date. ISTEA provisions are discussed, and it is described how states may shift NHS money to other highway categories or transit. They also could tap other ISTEA categories. The NHS includes interstate highways, strategic roads, and 'priority corridors.' The network equals just 4% of the 3.9 million miles of U.S. roads, but accounts for more than 40% of U.S. vehicle miles and 70% of miles traveled by large trucks.
TRT Terms Investments information; Transportation planning information
Identifier Terms Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency act 1991
Other Terms Intermodal surface transportation efficiency act; National Highway System
Subject Areas H14 FINANCE; H12 PLANNING; I72 Traffic and Transport Planning
McGraw-Hill Information Systems Company information
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