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TRIS Online Record

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Accession No 00639889
Authors Ehsan, J
Corp. Authors
/ Publisher
California Department of Transportation information; Federal Highway Administration information
Publication Date   19930700
Description 138 p.; Appendices(4); Figures(18); Photos(21); References(7); Tables(6)
Languages English
Abstract This report presents the results of field and laboratory testing of several configurations of earth reinforcing elements used in retaining wall systems. Reinforcement elements were placed in zones of sand, gravel, and clay within a specially constructed embankment in the field and tested for pullout resistance. The same elements were tested in Translab's large scale pull box under similar conditions. During testing, horizontal forces and displacements were recorded at regular time intervals under constant overburden pressures. Pullout resistance vs. displacement curves showed that lab tests were characterized by high initial pullout resistance which decreased with continued displacement while field tests showed low initial pullout resistance which increased with continued displacement. Sand and gravel provided similar pullout resistances which were both higher than clay. "C" channels with tee configurations and corrosion resistant elements produced higher pullout resistances than other elements. No correlation was found between overburden and pullout resistance in the field tests. Field tests results were generally inconsistent making pullout behavior difficult to characterize. Lab test results were high compared to field and should not be used as an estimate of field pullout resistance within the first 2 in. of displacement.
TRT Terms Clay information; Dislocation (Geology) information; Embankments information; Field tests information; Gravel information; Laboratory tests information; Overburdens information; Pull out test information; Reinforcement (Engineering) information; Retaining walls information; Sand information
Other Terms Displacement; Pullout resistance; Reinforcement
Subject Areas H63 MECHANICS (EARTH MASS); I42 Soil Mechanics
Contract Number F85TL03
Report Number FHWA/CA/TL-94/04; Rept No. 65329-632464
National Technical Information Service information
Order Number: PB95-262986
Database TRIS Online
TRIS is a bibliographic database funded by sponsors of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), primarily the state departments of transportation and selected federal transportation agencies. TRIS Online is hosted by the National Transportation Library under a cooperative agreement between the Bureau of Transportation Statistics and TRB.
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