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TRIS Online Record

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Accession No 00639781
Authors Marshall, Peter S.; Berg, W D
Conference Title Proceedings of the Conference, Strategic Highway Research Program and Traffic Safety on Two Continents, Part Three information
Journal Title VTI Rapport information
Corp. Authors
/ Publisher
National Swedish Road & Traffic Research Institute information; Transportation Research Board information; Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute, VTI
Publication Date   19910900
Description v.p.; Figures; References
Languages English
Abstract Preemption of traffic signal controllers near railroad grade crossings equipped with active warning devices is often required because queues from the intersection can extend back over the tracks, thereby creating the potential for a serious vehicle-train accident. This paper reports on the findings of a research study recently completed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The objective of the study was to develop methods for determining when preemption is required at isolated intersections, and for specifying the duration of the preemption intervals. Macroscopic traffic flow models and probability theory were used to describe the behavior of traffic under preemption conditions. Human factor considerations pertinent to the driving task were adapted from criteria currently used in establishing intersection sight distance and passing sight distance requirements. Limited resources precluded implementation and field evaluation of the developed methodologies.
TRT Terms Passing sight distance information; Railroad accidents information; Railroad grade crossings information; Sight distance information; Signalized intersections information; Traffic accidents information; Traffic signal preemption information
Other Terms Preemption; Railroad grade crossing accidents; Vehicle train collisions
Subject Areas H54 OPERATIONS AND TRAFFIC CONTROL; I73 Traffic Control
Report Number VTI Rapport 372A, Part 3
National Swedish Road & Traffic Research Institute information
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TRIS is a bibliographic database funded by sponsors of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), primarily the state departments of transportation and selected federal transportation agencies. TRIS Online is hosted by the National Transportation Library under a cooperative agreement between the Bureau of Transportation Statistics and TRB.
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