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Accession No 00638895
Authors Goodwin, P B
Journal Title Transportation (Netherlands) information
Corp. Authors
/ Publisher
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers information
Publication Date   19930000
Description p. 21-33
Languages English
Abstract Results of six surveys done in South Yorkshire from 1972 to 1991, during which there were extreme changes in public transport policy, tend to support a prima facie case for reopening the question of whether public transport service levels had an important effect on car ownership. At the household level, car ownership rates are shown to be more volatile than is often assumed, especially in multiple car households. This volatility provides a context within which the quality of public transport provision appears to influence both the level of car ownership and the relationship between changes in the level of car ownership and changes in public transport use.
TRT Terms Car ownership (Railroads) information; Public transit information; Ridership information
Geographical Terms England
Other Terms Car ownership; Mass transit patronage; Public transportation; Transit services
Subject Areas U41 SOCIOECONOMICS OF PASSENGER SERVICES; H16 USER NEEDS; I72 Traffic and Transport Planning
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