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TRIS Online Record

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Accession No 00638794
Authors Vickrey, W S
Journal Title TR News information No. 167
Corp. Authors
/ Publisher
Transportation Research Board information
Publication Date   19930700
Description p. 4-5; Photos(1)
Languages English
Abstract This article presents the economic arguments in favor of using congestion pricing to control travel demand. Congestion pricing is presented as the way to optimize the efficiency with which transportation facilities are used. It is proposed that an economical, simple, and tamper-proof method of assessing charges is to require that all vehicles entering a congested area or facility be equipped with an automated vehicle identification (AVI) unit that would be scanned at zone boundaries. The registered owner would then be billed at suitable intervals. It is pointed out that the charges assessed with an AVI system could be readily adjusted to include a charge reflecting the contribution of the vehicle to air pollution.
TRT Terms Air pollution information; Automatic vehicle identification information; Congestion pricing information; Economic efficiency information; Optimization information; Rates information; Transportation information; Travel demand information
Other Terms Charges; Efficiency; Transportation systems
Subject Areas H12 PLANNING; I72 Traffic and Transport Planning
Transportation Research Board Business Office information
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