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Accession No 00637534
Authors Leger, P; Paultre, P
Journal Title Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering information Vol. 20 No. 4
Corp. Authors
/ Publisher
National Research Council of Canada information
Publication Date   19930800
Description p. 587-601; Figures; References; Tables
Languages English
Abstract Microcomputer finite element analysis of reinforced concrete slab systems can now be routinely performed to produce realistic numerical simulation of 3-dimensional structural behavior. However, an efficient use of this approach requires an automated integration of design and analysis procedures. Guidelines for proper finite element modelling of slab systems are first presented along with simple post-processing algorithms to perform automatically the design or verifications from the analytical results. Numerical applications on simple slab systems subjected to uniform and concentrated loads are then used to illustrate the relative performance between finite element analyses and the equivalent frame method.
TRT Terms Finite element method information; Microcomputers information; Reinforced concrete information; Slabs information; Structural analysis information; Structural design information; Structural mechanics information
Other Terms Finite element analyses; Reinforced concrete slabs; Structural behavior
Subject Areas H25 STRUCTURES DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE; I20 Design and Planning of Transport Infrastructure
National Research Council of Canada information
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