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Accession No 00636604
Journal Title ENR information Vol. 231 No. 9
Corp. Authors
/ Publisher
McGraw-Hill Information Systems Company information
Publication Date   19930830
Description p. 18
Languages English
Abstract A fire destroyed two-thirds of a 66-year-old bridge, the Kapellbrucke, in Lucerne, Switzerland. Europe's oldest timber bridge, the 650-ft-long bridge with its decorative paintings spanning the Reuss River, is 10 feet wide, and is supported on 17 piers in the water and 10 on land. The cost of rebuilding the bridge is estimated between $7000,000 and $1.4 million. The Swiss federal executive council has pledged assistance, and city residents and others throughout the country have pledged support. The bridge, being a designated landmark, will be rebuilt without drastic changes in its appearance. A fire protection system may be added to the rebuilt bridge.
TRT Terms Bridges information; Covered bridges information; Finance information; Financing information; Fires information; Historic preservation information; Protection information; Reconstruction information
Geographical Terms Switzerland
Other Terms Fire protection; Funding; Rebuilding
Subject Areas H25 STRUCTURES DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE; I24 Design of Bridges and Retaining Walls
McGraw-Hill Information Systems Company information
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