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HOME > Monitoring_and_Data > Oceanic and Atmospheric Data > Reanalysis: Atmospheric Data > GrADS Links

GrADS links

GrADS home page

GrADS documentation

official documentation
official web-based documentation
GrADS script library
using netCDF and HDF-SDF files

GrADS auxiliary programs

grads2nc and other netcdf utilities
grib2ctl a program to make GrADS control files from GRIB data, needs wgrib
GV must-have Windows program, copies GrADS plots to the clipboard.
LATS I/O package supporting net-cdf and grib
LATS4D LATS for Dummies
gxeps a good program to convert plots to encapsulated postscript
gxgif a program to convert plots to gif (fewer bugs than before?)
PSutil for GrADS, combine multiple eps files on one page, etc

GrADS scripts

GrADS script library
local collection of misc. grads scripts
Bob Hart's plotskew
Mike Fiorino's old site of grads scripts
Interpolation scripts (PSU)


options 365_day_calendar     to ignore leap days

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Climate Prediction Center
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Page last modified: May 15, 2005
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