USGS-FWS Monthly Directors Meeting

December 22, 2003


Attendance:  Chip Groat; Steve Williams; John Baughman; Eric Schwaab; Marshall Jones; Mamie Parker; Paul Schmidt; Clint Riley, Dan Ashe, Sue Haseltine.


Liaison Position at IAFWA:  discussed status of USGS personnel action to hire a “science liaison” to work at the IAFWA; selection is in the final stages; discussed possibility of expanding this discussion to include a 3-way agreement between the USGS, IAFWA and USFWS.  Action Item:  Sue Haseltine, Eric Schwab, and Dan Ashe will work on a 3-way MOU to establish a liaison and provide operational support.  The purpose of the liaison and the MOU will be to further develop the IAFWA President’s Committee on Science and Research as an effective mechanism to coordinate information and research priorities, disseminate science results and mobilize knowledge and expertise within the 3 organizations.  The draft MOU will be presented to the Directors and IAFWA Executive Vice President by February 1.


Adaptive Management Workshop:  discussed the DOI interest in an executive level workshop on adaptive management.  Action Item:  USGS has lead in DOI for coordinating this workshop and will convene a planning meeting in early January; FWS contact is Dan Ashe; IAFWA will be consulted to ensure that “best practices” from states are considered.


Great Lakes/Council of Lakes Committees:  discussed ongoing efforts to cooperatively address the concerns of the CLC regarding fisheries assessment, vessel, and other research needs in the Great Lakes.  Action Item:  Send revised “draft” MOU to CLC with cover letter from Groat-Williams requesting meeting between FWS regional office, USGS Center and CLC to resolve differences and propose final.  Mamie Parker to provide comments on cover letter by 12-23-03 and letter to CLC to be signed by 1-1-04; copy will be provided to IAFWA.  Update:  the letter was signed by Chip Groat and Steve Williams on 1-12-04 and is being faxed to the IAFWA.


Bird Banding Laboratory:  discussed status of cooperative effort to develop long-term vision and strategy for the BBL.  Agreement to move ahead with the BBL Taskforce.  Action Item:  complete work on Taskforce charter and membership; provide FACA package for approval by the joint-Directors by the end of January, 2004.


NABCI Monitoring Plan:  discussed recent presentation to NABCI Council on comprehensive monitoring plan.  Agreed that it is too early for policy-level discussion.


State Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Plans:  discussed need for cooperation between States, USGS and FWS to support State planning efforts.  USGS and IAFWA are planning a January 7 meeting to discuss coordination.  Action Item:  IAFWA and USGS will invite Paul Schmidt or his representative to attend the January 7 meeting to ensure all parties are informed and cooperating.


Wildlife Disease Network:  discussed status of ongoing USGS, IAFWA, USFWS, USDA/APHIS and CDC effort to consider a national network for coordinating work on wildlife disease.  Action Item:  Chip Groat to speak with Bobby Acord in late-December or early-January to be followed by a meeting between Groat, Williams, Baughman, Acord and CDC in late-January; purpose of meeting will be to discuss a joint presentation to the IAFWA Wildlife Health Committee in March; the joint presentation will outline the concept of a national wildlife disease network and begin a broader discussion.


Sage Grouse:  discussed dire situation and possible coordination to support science and restoration needs.  FWS decision on 90-day finding must be made by January 2.