NCTSN provides a number of educational opportunities for Network members, their partners, and others. Questions about accessing these materials or other training presentations can be directed to

If you are looking for CE's, the Speaker Series, and other exciting course offerings, please go to new newly launched NCTSN Learning Center for Child and Adolescent Trauma at . Don't forget to bookmark this page.

23rd Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment - New NCTSN Child Traumatic Stress Track

January 26-30, 2009 - San Diego, California
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) in partnership with the Chadwick Center for Children and Families, is offering a new track at the San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment that is entirely focused on child traumatic stress. The track will highlight successes in the NCTSN through 14 workshops and a free preconference. All speakers are affiliated with NCTSN centers and were selected through a competitive process.

In addition to formal workshops, the National Center will coordinate "off hour" (during breakfast, lunch, and early evening) events for NCTSN attendees and others. These events will include face-to-face collaborative group meetings, topical discussions on current issues, and social gatherings.

For additional information on the NCTSN track and registration please click here .

For general conference information please visit:

Please visit our newly launched Learning Center for Child and Adolescent Trauma to learn more about child traumatic stress - earn CEs, join moderated discussions, and join topic curriculums. Registration is free and is open to the public.

New NCTSN Speaker Series: Terrorism, Disaster and Children Speakers Series begins October 15, 2008. Please register at

NCTSN Intervention Teleconference Miniseries (2006)
Find archival materials, including audio recordings, from presentations by representatives of NCTSN Treatment and Services Adaptation Centers about therapeutic interventions used at their centers.

NCTSN Learning Collaboratives
The NCTSN Learning Collaboratives (LC) and Learning Communities (LCom) focus on spreading, adopting, and adapting best practices across multiple settings and creating changes in organizations that promote the delivery of effective interventions and services. Learning Collaboratives and Learning Communities are aimed at NCTSN member centers, but also includes participants that are partner organizations to NCTSN centers.

Newly Launched
Join others in the Learning Center for Child and Adolescent Trauma.
Long Distance Training Catalog
Looking for something not in the Learning Center? Search the Mediasite catalog.
Events Calendar
Find professional training and development opportunities on the Events Calendar
Training Video
View the law-enforcement training video, "Cops, Kids, and Domestic Violence"
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