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About FERC Arrow Commission Members Arrow Chairman Joseph T. Kelliher

Chairman Joseph T. Kelliher

Message from the Chairman
  December 10, 2008 - “We mourn the loss of former Chairman Martin Allday, but we also celebrate him for his tireless public service and his vision in setting the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on the right course to establishing competition in both the natural gas and electric power industries. The country is indebted to Chairman Allday for his public service.

October 16, 2008 - “The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has taken an important step in our longstanding efforts to promote more effective competition by issuing a final rule to strengthen wholesale competition in organized regional power markets. Competition is national policy with respect to wholesale power markets, and has been for almost 30 years. Significantly, competition policy has always been bipartisan. Competition became national policy through enactment of three significant federal laws. Two laws were crafted by a Democratic Congress, one by a Republican Congress. Two were signed into law by Republican Presidents, one by a Democratic President. Every President since Jimmy Carter has either embraced or accepted competition as national policy with respect to wholesale electricity markets.

September 11, 2008 - “Protecting the Electric Grid from Cyber Security Threats
The Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct 2005) authorized the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to approve and enforce mandatory reliability standards, including cyber security standards, to protect and improve the reliability of the bulk power system. These reliability standards are proposed to the Commission by the Electric Reliability Organization (ERO) (the North American Electric Reliability Corporation or NERC), after an open and inclusive stakeholder process. The Commission cannot author the standards or make any modifications, and instead must either approve the proposed standards or remand them to NERC. FERC is well underway in implementing the new law, including now having in place an initial set of cyber security standards, for which full compliance is not required until 2010.

September 9, 2008 - "Five years ago the United States experienced the largest blackout in our history. More than 50 million Americans were affected, and our economy suffered a blow. Five years later, we are in a much better position to protect grid reliability. We have made steady progress to reduce the prospect of another regional blackout, and to limit the extent of any such blackout.

July 17, 2008 - “There is a need to improve regional transmission planning in all regions of the country, regardless of wholesale market structure. It is not enough to have nondiscriminatory access to the power grid. The grid itself must be robust enough to operate reliably and support competitive markets. We have taken a number of steps to strengthen the grid, by encouraging greater investment, making regional cost allocation determinations, and issuing rules governing limited federal transmission sitting authority. Improved regional planning will play an increasingly important role in strengthening the power grid.” Chairman Kelliher's Statement

June 9, 2008 - “[M]y concern is we can’t use gas for everything. And right now, because of uncertainty in climate change policy, we, through decision or indecision, we have committed, subconsciously perhaps, to using natural gas to supply most of our additional electricity supply for the next 10 years or longer. And I think if we use gas for everything, there already is very strong upward pressure on natural gas prices and we use it for transportation as well as agriculture, industry, electricity, we’re going to assure high gas prices continue for a long time.” More on the Chairman’s interview by CNBC PDF

March 3, 2008 - Chairman Kelliher on strategies for achieving wholesale power market competition Details PDF

January 22, 2008
- Chairman Kelliher dispels the Five Myths of FERC’s Transmission Siting Authority
Myth 1: Eminent domain will be the primary method used to acquire rights of way
Myth 2: FERC will not hold local community meetings
Myth 3: FERC will not consider alternatives to proposed routes
Myth 4: Landowners will be denied a role and not be protected
Myth 5: FERC will not consider the State record
Details PDF

  Calendar of Events

Sworn In
Sworn In Term Expires
December 21, 2007 June 30, 2012
Sworn In Term Expired
November 20, 2003 June 30, 2007
* Note: Chairman Kelliher’s term expired June 30, 2007, but he served until December 21, 2007.

By law External Link a Commissioner may continue to serve after the expiration of his term until his successor is appointed and has been confirmed and taken the oath of Office, except that such Commissioner shall not serve beyond the end of the session of the Congress in which such term expires.

Updated: December 30, 2008