Division of Scientific Authority
International Affairs
Peer Review of Scientific Information

The Division of Scientific Authority (DSA) in International Affairs is committed to using sound science in its decision making and to providing the American public with information of the highest quality possible.  We adhere to the goal of strengthening the Service’s tradition of scientific excellence and information quality in the conservation of fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats.

On this website, DSA publishes information regarding influential and highly influential scientific information and our plans to manage it. We provide links to the Service’s guidelines for ensuring the objectivity, utility, and integrity of information that we use and disseminate.  We also link to mechanisms for allowing the public to seek correction of that information.

Peer review of Scientific Information

In order to ensure the quality and credibility of the scientific information disseminate to the public, The Fish and Wildlife Service has implemented a formal “peer review” process for influential and highly influential scientific documents. More information on this subject is available at the Service's Information Quality Web site. In addition, the Office of Management and Budget has published government-wide guidance to enhance the practice of peer review of government science documents.

Peer review is a way of assessing the quality and completeness of information, analysis, and conclusions contained in a document by submitting a draft of the document for scrutiny and comment by specialists in the field who were not involved in producing the draft. Typically, the draft's author will make corrections and clarification to address the comments of the peer reviewers.

Peer review Agenda

We have identified the following Division of Scientific Authority documents as meeting the OMB criteria for peer review of influential or highly influential scientific information. Click on a title to get more information about that document and the peer review process we have planned for it. This list will be updated as necessary.

Draft Document Title

Link(s) to Federal Register Notice(s)

Listing the Medium Tree Finch as Endangered Throughout Its Range
December 8, 2008  Proposed Rule:  Listing the Medium Tree Finch (Camarhynchus pauper) as Endangered Throughout Its Range
Listing the Black-Breasted Puffleg as Endangered Throughout Its Range
December 8, 2008   Proposed Rule To List Black-Breasted Puffleg as Endangered Throughout Its Range Under the Endangered Species Act
Listing the Southern Rockhopper Penguin as Threatened in the Campbell Plateau Portion of Its Range
December 18, 2008 12-Month Finding on a Petition To List southern rockhopper penguin (Eudyptes chrysocome) , northern rockhopper penguin (Eudyptes moseleyi), macaroni penguin (Eudyptes chrysolophus), and emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri)and Proposed Rule To List southern rockhopper penguin as Threatened in the Campbell Plateau Portion of Its Range
See pdf: 73 FR 77264 12mo 4spp + 1 spp
Listing of  the yellow-eyed penguin, white-flippered penguin, Fiordland crested penguin, Humboldt penguin, and erect-crested penguin as Threatened Throughout Its Range
December 18, 2008 12-Month Finding on a Petition and Proposed Rule To List the African Penguin (Spheniscus demersus) as Endangered Throughout Its Range
See pdf: 73 FR 77303 5spp
Listing of the African Penguin as Endangered Throughout Its Range
December 18, 2008 12-Month Finding on a Petition and Proposed Rule To List the African Penguin (Spheniscus demersus) as Endangered Throughout Its Range
See pdf: 73 FR 77332 African penguin
Last updated: December 23, 2008
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