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THE CAMELOT PROJECT is designed to make available in electronic format a database of Arthurian texts, images, bibliographies, and basic information. The project, begun in 1995, is sponsored by the University of Rochester and prepared in The Robbins Library, a branch of Rush Rhees Library. The Camelot Project has been designed by Alan Lupack, Director of the Robbins Library, and Barbara Tepa Lupack.

General Editors: Alan Lupack and Barbara Tepa Lupack

Editorial Board:

Norris J. Lacy, Pennsylvania State University
Russell A. Peck, University of Rochester
Christopher Snyder, Marymount University
Bonnie Wheeler, Southern Methodist University

Victoria Szabo developed procedures for formatting texts and assisted in the design of home pages and menus. Corinne Arráez, Jennifer Church, Elizabeth Turner, Leni Rayburn, Donna Bell, Jessica Forbes, Juliet Sloger, Keith Parkins, Christine Bertie, Ian Peddie, Melissa Bernstein, Alissa Herschbach-McElreath, Anne Zanzucchi, Gina Tonogbanua, Joanna Grant, Carmen Reyes, John Sutton, Su-ching Huang, Emily Huber, Annie Heckel, Karan Vaswani, Vasudha Kurapati, Ryan Harper, John Chandler, Leila K. Norako, Valerie Johnson, Daniel Stokes, Kristi Castleberry, Daniel Franke, Megan Morris, Kara McShane, and Rosemary Paprocki have assisted in the preparation of documents and images for inclusion. Thomas Hickman, formerly of the Robbins Library, assisted with the proofing of material for inclusion. Jonathan Dick, formerly of the Computing Center at the University of Rochester, Richard Hayden and Cynthia Vercruysse of the Microcomputer Services Dept. of Rush Rhees Library, and Lisa LaPoint, Jackie Forbes, David Neuland, and Kim Miller, formerly of the Microcomputer Services Dept. of Rush Rhees Library, have provided training and technical support. Allison Zhang, formerly of the Cataloging Dept. of Rush Rhees Library, and Erin DeGroff and Konstantin Gurevich of the Cataloging Department of Rush Rhees Library have been responsible for cataloging the site. The Interlibrary Loan Department of Rush Rhees Library has provided invaluable assistance in obtaining texts used in the project.

The Main Menu lists Arthurian characters, symbols, and sites. You may move from any highlighted element to a sub-menu of basic information, texts, images, and a bibliography about that subject. You may also look at a menu arranged by author with most medieval texts listed under the heading "Anonymous." A third menu lists artists and their works. Not all of the sub-menus are complete; and, in some senses, the project will always be "under construction" since we will constantly be adding information, bibliographic citations, texts and images.

Comments and questions may be addressed to Alan Lupack (

Please cite as: The Camelot Project at The University of Rochester (
Copyright © Alan Lupack and Barbara Tepa Lupack. All original material in the project, unless otherwise indicated, is copyright © Alan Lupack.
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The Camelot Project was last updated December 8, 2008