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Corps Of Engineers Library
Information Online

What is CELIO?
CELIO is the database/electronic catalog representing the collections of all the libraries within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. They are located throughout the United States. You may search the collective database or the collection of one specific library.

How do I use CELIO?
You can search the database by author, title, or subject terms. Most of our library holdings represent traditional library materials in paper format. These must be requested as an interlibrary loan. For more directions on interlibrary loans please read below.

How do I request a document I locate in CELIO?
In accordance with standard interlibrary loan policy, our libraries will lend from library to library only. We do not lend directly to an individual library user. If you locate an item you wish to borrow, please print the citation and take it to your librarian (at any library -- public, academic, corporate, school, or government) for assistance with a formal interlibrary loan. Our preferred method is to receive a request through OCLC Interlibrary Loan System; however, we will honor other formal interlibrary loan requests, as well. You or your librarian can determine which of our libraries owns the item you need by finding the local holdings information (identified as LOCATION) near the bottom of each bibliographic record. The address, phone number, e-mail, etc. for each of our libraries is available from our Directory of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Libraries located at this website:

Is any of the material in CELIO available in full-text electronic format?
Some material in our collections is now available electronically. If you find an item that gives you a Universal Resource Locator (URL) or web address (http://www...), simply click on the URL to access the electronic version of the document.

Whom can I contact if I need help using CELIO?
For questions and concerns about CELIO, please contact:
    Timothy P. Hays
    USACE Command Librarian
    Phone: 978-318-8349
Alternate contact:
    Elisabeth R. Smallidge
    Hanover, New Hampshire
    Phone: 603-646-4238 Begin Searching