Guide to Federal Records

Records of General Headquarters, Far East Command, Supreme Commander Allied Powers, and United Nations Command

(Record Group 554)

Overview of Records Locations

Table of Contents

  • 554.1 Records of U.S. Army Organizations in Pacific Theaters 1941-44
  • 554.2 Records of Commands in the Pacific, Post World War II 1944-57
  • 554.3 Records of Eighth Army 1945-52, 1954

554.1 Records of U.S. Army Organizations in Pacific Theaters

Textual Records: General decimal file of Headquarters U.S. Army Forces in the Far East (Philippines, 1941-42; Australia, 1943-44), 1941-44.

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554.2 Records of Commands in the Pacific, Post World War II

Textual Records: Records of Far East Command, including records of general and special staff sections, 1946-52. Records of U.S. Army Forces, Far East (AFFE), including records of general and special staff sections, 1952-57. Records of Japan Logistical Command, 1949-52, consisting of correspondence, general and special staff section records, and command reports. Command reports, investigations, and other records of Yokohama Command, 1947-51. General and special staff section records of Marianas-Bonins Command, 1947-52. Records of Ryukyus Command (RYCOM), including central decimal files, 1946-53; a record set of issuances, 1952; organizational planning records, 1951-52; and reports of the Joint Facilities Board, 1947. Records of the Enemy Property Custodian, Philippines Command, 1944-49. Records of general and special staff sections of Philippines-Ryukyus Command, 1946-49. Records of U.S. Army Forces in Korea (USAFIK), 1945-49. Prisoner of war files of the Korean Communications Zone, 1950-55.

Posters: Produced by the Office of Civil Information, USAFIK, to publicize the Korean election of 1948, 1947-48 (P, 4 items, previously in RG 332). Produced by the Office of Troop Information and Education, AFFE, illustrating the troop information program, 1954-57 (EP, 151 items), and current events ("This Week's News"), 1954-56 (NP, 153 items).

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554.3 Records of Eighth Army
1945-52, 1954

Textual Records: Records relating to Sugamo Prison, including personnel files of prisoners and prison journals, 1945-52.

Maps: Map of United Nations airfields in South Korea, 1954 (1 item).

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Bibliographic note: Web version based on Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Robert B. Matchette et al. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1995.
3 volumes, 2428 pages.

Ordering information

This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.

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