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About FERC Arrow Offices Arrow Office of Energy Market Regulation

Office of Energy Market Regulation

Shelton M. Cannon, Director

Shelton Cannon is Director of the Office of Energy Markets Regulation. The Office was created to integrate the economic regulation of the electric, natural gas, and oil industries at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. In addition to its wholesale rate and tariff responsibilities, the Office is also charged with helping to oversee mandatory, enforceable standards affecting the reliability of the Nation's electric power grid.

Mr. Cannon has been at the FERC for more than twenty-five years. He has been involved in a variety of important energy policy initiatives related to fostering non-discriminatory access to interstate transmission and transportation facilities and establishing competitive wholesale energy markets.

Mr. Cannon holds a law degree from the University of Illinois and undergraduate degrees in English and Economics from the University of Maryland.

Shelton M. Cannon, Deputy Director
Contact Information:

Telephone: 202-502-6700

Updated: January 13, 2006