Important: The Climate Analysis Branch (PSD1) web site will be down in anticipiation of our major web restructuring starting Tuesday Jan 20th at 1pm MST.
You can find more info about the upcoming URL changes here.
N.B.: The URL prefix for PSD's files will change to
after Jan 20th 2009.
You will then not need to let us know if you are using OPeNDAP.

For more general information about using openDAP at PSD see our our openDAP page.

The OPeNDAP data server is the application we run that allows users to read and process data on their computers without downloading the files. You can still access all the PSD files via FTP that you could previously and you can still use all of the PSD webpages that view the data.

The server was shut down due to security concerns. One work around is to use this gateway created at NOAA/PMEL. You just need to append the URL of the netCDF file to "". For example:


For file info, use:
as the URL in a browser. <

We have reinstated our OPeNDAP server in a very limited way. If you wish to access our OPeNDAP server, please e-mail with:

  • The IP address of the machine from which you wish access. This should be a static IP address (not generated via DHCP). It would better if this address could successfully undergo reverse DNS lookup to produce a fully qualified hostname.
  • The name of your institution
  • A one-line blurb about your intended use of the data.
We are opening up access on a host by host basis.

Unfortunately, the URLs are slightly different for now:

  • .../nph-nc/* => .../opendap/nph-nc/*
  • .../nph-dods/* => .../opendap/nph-dods/*