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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Damage Assessment, Remediation, and Restoration Program (DARRP)NOAA Logo  
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Protecting and restoring coastal resources involves understanding an array of complex environmental factors, and synthesizing numerous information sources. Because aquatic ecosystems are affected by so many characteristics of their watershed, assessment and management is improved by showing the spatial relationships among measurements.

To combine scientific data and watershed characteristics, NOAA's Assessment and Restoration Division has developed numerous Watershed Database & Mapping Projects that consist of one or more of the following components:

  • composited data in a standard database structure;
  • a data delivery application (Query Manager);
  • maps and a mapping program (MARPLOT) linked with Query Manager;
  • spatial data layers or themes; and,
  • inter-active, internet mapping of data and spatial information.

Using these components, contaminant concentrations in sediment or tissues, toxicity data, natural resources, and potential habitat restoration projects can be overlaid on watershed features and land uses, and displayed on maps at flexible scales.

Many of the DARRP cases fall within the boundaries of a Watershed Database & Mapping Projects. The table below links cases with watershed projects, and has links to more information for obtaining components of the watershed project.

Northeast Region

DARRP Case State Watershed Project
Irving Oil, Chelsea Creek MA Charles River
Island End River MA Charles River
Dupont Newport DE Christina River
Halby Chemical DE Christina River
Koppers Company DE Christina River
Athos Spill DE Deleware Estuary
Bermuda Islander DE Deleware Estuary
Presidente Rivera PA Deleware Estuary
Hudson River NY Hudson River
Chevron Perth Amboy Facility NJ Newark Bay
Cold Springs Harbor Barge NJ Newark Bay
Conoco-Phillips Bayway NJ Newark Bay
Exxon Bayway NJ Newark Bay
Hackensack River Study Area NJ Newark Bay
Kinder Morgan Sodium Hydroxide Spill NJ Newark Bay
Passaic River/Newark Bay NJ Newark Bay
St Lawrence/Alcoa/GM NY St Lawrence River
(Grasse River)
Vieques AFWTA PR Vieques Island

Northwest Region

DARRP Case State Watershed Project
Tulalip Landfill/Qwuloolt WA Puget Sound
Elliot Bay/Duwamish River WA Puget Sound
Lower Duwamish River WA Puget Sound
Commencement Bay WA Puget Sound
Whatcom Creek WA Puget Sound

Southeast Region

DARRP Case State Watershed Project
Calcasieu Estuary Bayou D'Inde LA Calcasieu
Calcasieu Estuary Bayou Verdine LA Calcasieu
Citgo Refinery, Calcasieu River LA Calcasieu
Vieques AFWTA PR Vieques Island

Southwest Region

DARRP Case State Watershed Project
Apex Houston CA California
Command Oil Spill CA California
Iron Mountain Mine CA California
Cape Mohican CA San Francisco Bay
Castro Cove/Chevron Richmond CA San Francisco Bay
Cosco Busan CA San Francisco Bay
Suisun Bay CA San Francisco Bay
American Trader CA Southern California
Halaco Engineering, Inc. CA Southern California
Montrose/PV Shelf CA Southern California

Great Lakes Region

DARRP Case State Watershed Project
Cannelton Industries MI Cannelton
Kalamazoo River MI Kalamazoo
Waukegan Harbor IL Sheboygan River

Other sources available on a regional-scale are Environmental Sensitivity Indices (ESIs). ESI maps serve as quick references that contain three kinds of information:

  • Shorelines which are ranked on their physical and biological character, then color-coded to indicated their sensitivity to oiling.
  • Sensitive biological resources, such as seabird colonies or marine mammal hauling grounds; and,
  • Sensitive human-use resources, such as water intakes, marinas, and swimming beaches.

ESI maps are available in a wide variety of formats. To find more information, availability, and links to sources go to