Management & Scientific Authorities
International Affairs

Foreign and Domestic Listings under CITES

Division of Scientific Authority biologists are responsible for providing scientific analysis and recommendations on issues and matters involving the implementation of CITES in the United States. This includes:

  • identifying, assessing, and recommending species for protection through listings in the CITES appendices or a change in their current listing status;
  • evaluating CITES documents and technical proposals for meetings of the Conference of the Parties and of the Animals and Plants Committees (including listing proposals, status reviews, and other technical proposals submitted by other countries);
  • monitoring trade and the status of the species in the wild;
  • reviewing export/import permit applications of protected species to determine if trade in the species would be detrimental to the survival of the species. (In order for the permit to be issued, a non-detriment finding must be made by the Scientific Authority.);
  • for Appendix-I species, determining prior to import whether a recipient is suitably equipped to house and care for a live specimen(s);
  • advising law enforcement officials on identification of species, taxonomy, nomenclature, and other scientific matters that may relate to enforcement;
  • participating on various international working groups and panels and sharing scientific expertise with colleagues within and outside the United States.

Which species are listed?
To find out which species are listed in the CITES Appendices, go to the CITES-Listed Species Database

How do I search the CITES-Species Database?
Search the database two ways – by country and by species:

To search by country: You can search the database to obtain a list of all CITES-listed species native to one country:

From the CITES species website:
Under the column "Search by country", there is a pull-down menu.
Select the country of interest.
Select "Go"
A list of all CITES-listed species native to that country is provided.
Select any species of interest for more information.

To search by species: There are several ways to search for a specific plant or animal. Here is one way:
Start at the main CITES species website:
Under the "Search by name" column, select "Genus."
Type in the genus of the native plant of interest.
Hit enter.
Select "Display Results" at the bottom half of the screen.
A list of all species in the genus of interest is provided.
Select any species of interest for more information.

For more information on Foreign and Domestic Listings under CITES, see:
CITES in the U.S.
CITES Appendix II Supports Sustainable Use
CITES Appendix III
General Overview of Appendix III
CITES Listing Criteria

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Last updated: November 20, 2008
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