Division of International Conservation
International Affairs
signature image of the Wildife Without Borders program Draft Tool Matrix


Priority Needs List and Tools Matrix

III. Public Awareness
c. Electronic Information Exchange

  • BCI’s Literature Reference Database (http://www.batcon.org/nabcp/newsite/index.html) is a searchable on-line database of numerous bat-related articles.
    From: Bat Conservation International, www.batcon.org.
    Contact: french@batcon.org.
  • Web-based discussion groups for information exchange regarding globally threatened species, including access to BirdLife’s World Bird Database and links to cross-cutting issues such as taxonomic decisions and authority files for habitats, threats and actions http://www.birdlife.org/action/science/species/globally_tbu/gtbu_main.html.
    From: Birdlife International, www.birdlife.org.
    Contact: Rob Clay, rob@guyra.org.py.
  • Bilateral Agreement between Chile and Argentina for wild fauna conservation.
    From: Chile - Servicio Agricola y Ganadero (SAG), www.sag.gob.cl.
    Contact: Jose Manuel Ovalle, dima1@minrel.cl.
  • Starting in 2005, CMS Parties will submit their national reports in electronic format, which will be accessible at: www.wcmc.org.uk/cms.
    From: Convention on Migratory Species, www.wcmc.org.uk/cms.
    Contact: Lyle Glowka, lglowka@cms.unep.de.
  • Information exchange is taking place with authorities, members of national and international working groups, and public in general. Articles and/or scientific publications on projects are presented at local, regional and international magazines and newspapers to increase public awareness on the conservation of species.
    From: Fundación Cethus, http://cethus.tripod.com/.
    Contact: Cecilia Gasparrou, cgasparrou@house.com.ar.
  • Ten years of monitoring data and Monitoring Aviary Productivity and Survivorship data on boreal birds.
    From: Lesser Slave Lake Bird Observatory, http://www.lslbo.org/.
    Contact: Drajs Vujnovic, Drajs.Vujnovic@gov.ab.ca, T: (780) 427-7100.
  • Schoolyard Ecology Forum.
    From: National Audubon Society - International Programs, www.audubon.org/local/latin.
    Contact: Alejandro GrajalTel, Agrajal@audubon.org, T: 305-371-6399.
  • Proyecto Paraguay Silvestre is working on high-priority areas for the conservation in situ of ecoregions of global importance in Latin America. They are additionally involved in Management of Environmental Services including financial and socioeconomic components of sites of high priority of resources in the biodiversity runner the Dry Chaco Paraguay. The effort is financed by the I.A.D.B. with The Nature Conservancy support.
    From: Paraguay - Proyecto Paraguay Silvestre, http://www.paraguaysilvestre.org.py.
    Contact: Cristina Morales, cmorales_py@yahoo.com.
  • RA could establish a portal that is linked from the Eco-Index. Government wildlife agencies could complete Eco-Index project questionnaires that RA can edit, translate into English and add to our database, to be accessible to the more than 20,000 visitors each month.
  • RA can convert any reports or studies to PDF format and catalogue them so that they are easily retrievable in the existing Eco-Index database.
    From: Rainforest Alliance, www.rainforestalliance.org.
    Contact: Diane Jukofsky, djukofsky@ra.org.
  • Ramsar Forum and Outreach Forum provide opportunities for electronic information exchange.
    From: Ramsar Convention, www.ramsar.org.
    Contact: Margarita Astrálaga, astralaga@ramsar.org.
  • USFS maintains extensive and interactive electronic information exchange through a variety of tools. International Programs do this internationally.
    From: United States Forest Service, www.fs.fed.us.
    Contact: Karin Theophile, International Programs, T: 202-501-5513.
  • National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) provides web access to data and information on U.S biological resources and possesses expertise in the development and implementation of electronic information networks at national and international levels. This effort participates in development of standards and tools for data sharing, and serves as the U.S. contribution to various international biodiversity information activities [Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), Clearing-House Mechanism (CHM), etc.].
  • USGS Bird Conservation Node supports the North American Bird Conservation Initiative (NABCI), and has supported development of tools for electronic dissemination of bird population (monitoring) and habitat data in North America.
    From: United States Geological Survey Bird Conservation Node, http://www.nbii.gov.
    Contact: Elizabeth Martin, elizabeth_martin@usgs.gov.
  • Information on 57 critically important shorebird sites in the hemisphere including habitat descriptions, shorebird management activities, threats and contact information (http://www.manomet.org/WHSRN/). WHSRNews, is WHSRN’s electronic newsletter sent out with shorebird news a number of times each month. There are separate English and Spanish list-serves (for a free subscription contact WHSRN@manomet.org.)
  • “Winging Northward: A Shorebird’s Journey” (http://shorebirds.pwnet.org/index2.html) is an interactive, educational website and live broadcast (“electronic field trip”). A video is available through the USFWS Shorebird Sister School Program (
  • “Shorebirds: Prairies to Patagonia” (http://www.manomet.org/WHSRN/Prairies/index.htm) is a website designed for students and teachers seeking information on shorebirds that fly through the central corridor of Canada, United States, and Latin America. It includes maps, ID photos, links and much more (sponsored by the Prairie Pothole Joint Venture).
    From: Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network, http://www.manomet.org/WHSRN/.
    Contact: Heidi Luquer, Luquer@vermontel.net.
  • International Waterbird Census Database is undergoing a final beta testing phase. This tool will be available via the Internet for data entry and retrieval in early 2004.
    From: Wetlands International, www.wetlands.org.
    Contact: Melanie Steinkamp, Melanie_Steinkamp@fws.gov.


Last updated: November 20, 2008
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