Division of International Conservation
International Affairs
signature image of the Wildife Without Borders program Draft Tool Matrix


Priority Needs List and Tools Matrix

III. Public Awareness
b. Education Programs that Embrace Local Wildlife

  • ABC Small Grants support projects for capacity building and training.
    From: American Bird Conservancy, www.abcbirds.org.
    Contact: David Pashley, dpashley@abcbirds.org.
  • Training for both educators and leaders in bat conservation and management, supported by materials (slide programs, posters, books) and education curricula. See www.batcon.org/spanish for materials and www.batcon.org/vrc for slide presentations.
    From: Bat Conservation International, www.batcon.org.
    Contact: Carrie Robertson, crobertson@batcon.org.
  • World Bird Watch/Festival Mundial de las Aves (contact: Itziar Olmeda, Communications Officer, birdlife@birdlife.org.ec) is a month long (October) celebration of birds and people, addressing a different theme each year. Themes have included migratory species, threatened birds, backyard birds, the importance of birds, Important Bird Areas, the inspiration of birds, and “one bird, two habitats.” While coordinated regionally, the Festival is undertaken by each national Partner, at a national and local level, thereby embracing local wildlife under a global banner.
    From: Birdlife International, www.birdlife.org.
    Contact: Rob Clay, rob@guyra.org.py.
  • CMS Small Grants Programme could include funding for education programs on local wildlife.
    From: Convention on Migratory Species, www.wcmc.org.uk/cms.
    Contact: Lyle Glowka, lglowka@cms.unep.de.
  • The National Institute of Fish has information concerning marine issues as does the Quito Pacific Wale Foundation.
    From: Ecuador - Unidad de Vida Silvestre y Ecosistemas Frágiles, Dirección de
    Biodiversidad y Areas Protegidas, Ministerio del Ambiente, www.ambiente.gov.ec.
    Contact: Cristina Castro, research@pacificwhale.org, T: 099232720.
  • Courses and lectures for school and general public audiences (in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Spain and Uruguay) to promote conservation of local species and their habitat.
  • FC has experience editing printed materials for educational purposes.
    From: Fundación Cethus, http://cethus.tripod.com/.
    Contact: Cecilia Gasparrou, cgasparrou@house.com.ar.
  • General information on marine turtles in the Americas.
    From: Inter-American Sea Turtle Convention, www.amnet.co.cr.
    Contact: Marco Solano, citsecret@amnet.co.cr.
  • The LSLBO monitoring and Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship work is showcased in Lesser Slave Lake Provincial Park by LSLBO and Park Staff.
    From: Lesser Slave Lake Bird Observatory, http://www.lslbo.org/.
    Contact: Adam Cheadle, Adam.Cheadle@gov.ab.ca, T: (780) 849-7101.
  • NAS Schoolyard Ecology Initiative program is currently present in 15 countries.
    From: National Audubon Society - International Programs, www.audubon.org/local/latin.
    Contact: Alejandro GrajalTel, Agrajal@audubon.org, T: 305-371-6399.
  • Project WILD, Flying WILD, and Birds Beyond Borders are programs concerning local wildlife that have come from the PIF partners.
    From: Partners in Flight, www.partnersinflight.org.
    Contact: Terry Rich, Terry_rich@fws.gov.
  • Shorebird Sister School program (administered by Adriana Cafferata) is active in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay.
    From: United States Fish and Wildlife Service- Alaska, http://alaska.fws.gov/.
    Contact: Richard Lanctot, richard_lanctot@fws.gov.
  • International educational programs for bird conservation, using web casts, interactive computer linkages, brochures, field days, festivals, and other techniques.
    From: United States Forest Service, www.fs.fed.us.
    Contact Jim Chu, National Forest System, T: 360-856-5700 x230.
  • The poster Shorebirds Across the Americas features a map of the Western Hemisphere with WHSRN shorebird sites, migratory routes, and shorebird species descriptions. The back of the poster has information on shorebirds and conservation. It is available in Spanish and English, and is published by Canadian Wildlife Service in collaboration with WHSRN.
  • The video and poster The Amazing Journey of Migratory Shorebirds is a 20-minute video (with a companion booklet) that offers shorebird activities and lessons plans for ages 6-12 and a poster of the 4 major flyways in the Western Hemisphere. The poster is available in Spanish and published by Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences and the Prairie Pothole Joint Venture.
    From: Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network, http://www.manomet.org/WHSRN/.
    Contact: Heidi Luquer, Luquer@vermontel.net.
  • Buff-breasted Sandpiper Population Estimate, a publication produced on historic and present-day distribution and abundance in South America.
    From: Wetlands International, www.wetlands.org.
    Contact: Melanie Steinkamp, Melanie_Steinkamp@fws.gov.


Last updated: November 20, 2008
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