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Study of Genes, Aging and Cognition

Healthy volunteers, over the age of 55, are needed to study the genetics of aging and cognition. Participation requires a blood draw and non-invasive clinical, neurological and cognitive testing procedures. No overnight stays. No medication trials. Compensation provided. Call Bobby Das at (301) 435-4593 or email Refer to protocol # 00-M-0085.

Oral Vaccine Study Recruits

Volunteers are needed at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Silver Spring for a study of the safety of an investigational oral vaccine to prevent diarrhea. You may be eligibile to participate if you are between ages 18 and 45, in good general health, have never had enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (most common cause of traveler's diarrhea) and do not currently work with it in the lab. You must be available for up to 15 outpatient visits (for up to 2 months) and a 6-month follow-up phone call. A free health screening will be provided. Participants will be paid. Call 1-866-856-3259 toll free, (301) 319-9335, or (301) 319-9320, or visit

ADHD Genetics Study

Take part in an NIH study seeking to identify the genes that contribute to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). For more information call 1-800-411-1222 (TTY 1-866-411-1010).

Neurocognitive Measures Study

The Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences is conducting a study examining the relationship between computerized and traditional neurocognitive measures with healthy adult men and women ages 18-79. Participants will complete a brief interview and participate in a one-time testing session in Bethesda. Participants will be compensated for their time. Call Lt. John Ashburn, (301) 295-2501.

Ever Have Postpartum Depression?

If you have a history of postpartum depression (PPD) following the birth of any of your children, consider participating in a PPD study with NIMH. The study seeks to examine if your PPD was caused by hormonal changes during or after pregnancy. The study is recruiting female participants between the ages of 20-45 years old. Call Linda Simpson-St. Clair, (301) 496-9576 (TTY 1-866-411-1010).

NIAID Seeks HIV+ Volunteers

HIV positive volunteers are needed for a phase I/II clinical trial testing the safety and effectiveness of a new interleukin-2 (IL-2) analogue called BAY 50-4798. This study will test whether BAY 50-4798 causes immunologic changes similar to conventional IL-2 but with milder side effects. Patients must be on HIV medications, have a viral load less than 10,000, CD4 count of at least 200 and not have had prior IL-2 therapy. Travel assistance may be provided. Call Jocelyn Voell, (301) 435-7913.

One-Day Outpatient Study

Healthy volunteers, ages 19 to 55, are needed to participate in research studying genes and brain function. Testing procedures involve a blood draw, non-invasive neuroimaging, interviews and cognitive testing. No overnight stay. No medication trial. Compensation provided. Call the Clinical Brain Disorders Branch at (301) 435-8970 or email Refer to protocol # 95-M-0150.

Psychology Study Recruits Volunteers

African American men ages 18-65 are needed to participate in a 45-minute psychology study on personality and dating preferences. $25 compensation. Call Rachel at (202) 885-1729.

Weight and Insulin Study

The Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences is conducting a study examining weight and stress responses to exercise in African American and Caucasian men and women between the ages of 18 and 45. Volunteers will be compensated for their participation. Call (301) 295-1371 or email

Dietary Supplement Study

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine seeks volunteers to participate in a research study evaluating the effect of glucosamine (a dietary supplement) on the blood's glucose and insulin levels. Participants will help researchers learn more about this supplement's impact on the potential development and treatment of diabetes. The study will last 13 weeks and participants will be asked to take glucosamine and a placebo. Participants will be healthy overweight individuals ages 21 to 65 who are not taking glucosamine or medication for any illness. Compensation will be provided. For more information, call Gail Sullivan, (301) 496-3244.

Volunteers Sought for Study

Sought are HIV+ volunteers with a viral load less than 500 copies/ml for greater than one year and less than 50 copies/ml and a CD4 count of less than 300 cells/mm3, or, for comparison, a CD4 count of greater than 350 cells/mm3, with a pre-HAART CD4 count less than 300 cells/mm3. This is to measure the rate of lymphocyte replication and destruction in persons who have a virologic but not immunologic response to HAART. Call William Sachau (301) 435-7940.

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